Jumat, 27 Juni 2008


Money was in traditional economic knowledge defined as each implement exchanged that could be received generally. The implement exchanged that could take the form of the object anything that could be accepted by anyone in the community in the process of the exchange of goods and services. In modern economic knowledge, money was defined as something that was available and was generally accepted as the payment implement for the purchase of goods and services as well as the other valuable wealth as well as for debt payment. [1] Several experts also named the function of money as the implement penu you payment. [2] The existence of money provided the alternative to the transaction that more was easy than more complex barter, not efesien, and more inappropriate was used in the modern economic system because of needing the person who had the wish that was same to carry out the exchange but also the difficulty in the determination thought. Efesiensi that was obtained by using money at the end will push the trade and the distribution of manpower that afterwards will increase the productivity and prosperity. The process of the long development. At first, the community does not yet know the exchange because anyone tries meet kebutuhann him with efforts personally. Humankind goes hunting if he is hungry, make clothes personally from simple materials, look for the fruit for consumption personally; briefly, what is received by him so that is made use of to satisfy his requirement. The picture that menunjukan the barter activity in the American continent in the age to-19 the Picture that menunjukan the barter activity in the American continent in the age to-19 The further development mengahadapkan humankind in fact that what is produced personally evidently am not enough to memenuhui all of his requirement. To receive things that cannot be produced personally, they look for the person who wants to exchange the thing that is owned with the other thing that is needed by him. As a result emerge the barter system\, that is the thing that is exchanged with the thing. However in the long run, many difficulties that are felt with this system. Including being the difficulty of finding the person who has the thing that is wanted but also want to exchange the thing that is owned by him as well as the difficulty of receiving the thing that can be bartered to one another with the balanced value of the exchange or almost equally he thought. To overcome him, begin to emerge thoughts to use certain objects to be used as the implement exchange. Objects that are appointed as the medium of exchange to be objects that are accepted by the public (generally accepted), objects that are chosen are valuable high (am difficult to be received Or have the magical and mystical value), or objects that are the primary requirement everyday; for example salt that by the Roman person is used as the implement exchange and as the implement of pay payment. The influence of this Roman person is still being seen now; English mention the pay as salary that come from the Latin language salarium that mean salt. Things that are regarded as beautiful and valuable, like this shellfish, have been made the implement exchange before humankind finds coins. Things that are regarded as beautiful and valuable, like this shellfish, have been made the implement exchange before humankind finds coins. Despite the implement exchange have been available, the difficulty in the exchange continues to be available. The difficulties in part because of objects that are made the implement exchange do not yet have the fragment so as the determination the value of money, the storage (storage), and the transport (transportation) to am difficult to be carried out as well as to emerge also the difficulty resulting from the shortage of this resistance of objects so as to be easy to be destroyed or do not keep old. Afterwards emerge what is named by coins. Metal is chosen as the implement exchange because of having the high value so as to be enjoyed by the public, durable and am not easy broken, am easy to be broken without reducing the value, and being easy to be moved. Metal that is made the implement exchange because of filling these conditions am gold and silver. Gold coins and silver are also acknowledged as money am full (full bodied money). Meaning that, think Intrinsic (thinks the material) money is the same as his face value (think that is included to this currency). At the time, anyone has the right menempa money, merge, sell or wear him, and have the right to be unlimited in keeping coins. In line with the development of the economy, emerge the difficulty when the development of the exchange that must be served by coins gets temporary the number of precious metals (gold and silver) very limited. The use of coins also is difficult to be carried out for the transaction in large quantities so as to be created money kertas At first the circulating note was ownership proof of gold and silver as the implement/the intermediary to carry out the transaction. In other words, the circulating note at the time was money that is guaranteed by 100% with gold or silver that is kept in the goldsmith or silver and from time to time can be exchanged am full of his guarantee. In the further development, the community no longer uses gold (directly) as the medium of exchange. As his substitute, they make\paper-proof\this as the implement exchange. Generally, money has the function as the intermediary for the exchange of the thing with the thing, also to menghidarkan the trade by means of barter. Secara more specific, the function of money dibedalan become two: the original function and the function of the descendants. The original function of money is three, that is as the implement exchange, as the unit count, and as penyimpan think. Money functions as the implement exchange or the medium of exchange that Can facilitate the exchange. The person who will carry out the exchange need not exchange with the thing, but am enough to use money as the implement exchange. The exchange difficulties by means of barter can be overcome with the exchange of money. Money also functions as the unit count (the unit of the account) because money can be used to menunjukan think various thing sorts/the service that is traded, shows the wealth size, and count big the small size of the loan. Money is also used to determine the price of the thing/the service (the appointment implement of the price). As the unit implement count, money plays a role in launching the exchange. Moreover, money functions as the implement penyimpan think (currency) because it can be used to shift purchasing power from the period now to the future. When a seller at this time accepts an amount of money as payment on goods and services that in sale, then he can keep this money to be used will buy goods and services in the future. Apart from the three matters above, money also has the other function that is acknowledged as the function of the descendants. The function of the descendants including money as the payment implement, as the implement of debt payment, as the hoarder's implement or pemindah the wealth (capital), and the implement to increase the social status. [proofread] Condition-syarat An object can be made as\money\if this object filled certain conditions. Firstly, the object must be accepted generally (acceptability). In order to be able to be acknowledged as the implement exchange the public of an object must [proofread] according to the material pembuatannya Dinar and Dirham, two examples of metal currency. Dinar and Dirham, two examples of metal currency. Money was according to his production material divided into two, that is coins and the note. Coins were money that was made from metal; usually From gold or silver because the two metals had the value that tended high and stable, his form was easy to be known, his characteristics that were not easy to be destroyed, durable, and could be divided into the unit that was smaller without reducing the value. Coins had three the kind thought: 1. The intrinsic value, that is the value of the material to make currency, for example how many values and silver of gold that was used for currency. 2. The face value, that is the value that was included to currency or the price stamp that was calibrated to currency. For example one hundred rupiah (Rp. 100.00), or five hundred rupiah (Rp. 500.00). 3. The exchange rate, the exchange rate was the money capacity to be able to be exchanged with a thing (money purchasing power). For example Rp money. 500.00 could be only exchanged with a peppermint, whereas Rp. 10,000.00 could be exchanged with a meatballs cup). When the first time being used, money for gold and money for silver it was thought was based on his intrinsic value, that is the level of and heavy metal that was contained inside; increasingly big the content of gold or silver inside, increasingly high he thought. But at this time, coins were not considered from heavy his gold, but from his face value. The face value was the included value or was written in the eyes of this money. In the meantime, that was meant with\the note\was money that was made From paper with the picture and the certain stamp and am the legal payment implement. According to the explanation of No. UU 23 in 1999 about the Indonesian Bank, that is meant by the note to be money in the form of the sheet that is made from the paper material or the other material (that resemble paper). [proofread] According To nilainya According to he thought, money is distinguished to money am full (full bodied money) and money for the sign (token money) The value of money it was said as money is full if think that is calibrated on this money equally he thought with the material that is used. In other words, the included face value is the same as the intrinsic value that is contained in this money. If the money is made from gold, then the value of money is the same as the value of gold that is contained by him. Whereas that is meant by money for the sign to be if think that is calibrated on money am higher than the value of the material that is used to make money or in other words the face value bigger than the intrinsic value this money. For example, to make money Rp1.000,00 the government spends the cost Rp750,00. [proofread] the Theory think uang The theory the value of money discusses problems of finance that is linked with the value of money. The value of money becomes attention of the economists, because high or the low level the value of money is very influential towards the economic activity. This is proven with the number of theories of money that is sent by several experts. The theory of money consist of Two theories, that is the theory of static money and the theory of dynamic money. [proofread] the Theory of money statis The theory of Static Money or is mentioned also\the qualitative theory static\aim at answering the question: in fact money? And why the money has his price? Why the money until circulate? This theory is mentioned static because do not discuss the change think that is resulted in by the development of economics. That including the theory of static money am: the Metalisme Theory (Intrinsic) by KMAPP Money am as the thing, he thought is not feigned, but is the same as the value of metal that is made the money, the example: money for gold and money for silver. the Theory of the Convention (the Agreement) by Devanzati and Montanari This theory states that money is formed on the basis of pemufakatan the community to facilitate the exchange. the Nominalisme Theory Money is accepted am based on his value of purchasing power. the Negara Theory The money origin because of the country, if the country appoint what becomes the implement exchange and means of payment then emerge money. So valuable money because of the existence of the assurance from the country takes the form of payment regulations that are ratified. [proofread] the Theory of money dinamis This theory discuss because of the occurrence of the change in the value of money. The dynamic theory in part: the Theory of the Quantity from David Ricardo This theory say that strong or the weakness the value of money really depends on the amount of circulating money. If the number Money changes to twice the fold, then the value of money will decrease to half of originally, but also am the reverse. the Theory of the Quantity from Irving Fisher The theory that was raised by David Ricardo is completed again by Irving Fisher with memasukan the element of the speed of the circulation of money, goods and services as the factor that influences the value of money. the Theory of Kas supplies This theory is seen from the amount of money that is not bought things. the Theory of the Produksi Cost This theory states the value of money in the circulation that comes from metal and the money can be gazed at as the thing. [proofread] Money in ekonomi Money is one of the main topics in pembelajaran economics and financial. Monetarisme is a theory of economics that most discuss about the request and money bargaining. Before the 80 's, the problem of the stability of the money request becomes the main discussion Milton Friedman works, Anna Schwartz, David Laidler, and other. The monetary policy aims at arranging money supplies, inflation, and the flower that afterwards will influence output and manpower. Inflation am the fall think a currency within a certain time and can cause the increase of money supplies excessively. Interest rate, the cost that emerges when borrowing money, is one of the implements important to control inflation and the growth of economics. The central bank is often given by responsibility to supervise and Control money supplies, interest rate, and banking. The monetary crisis can cause the effect that is big towards the economy, especially if this crisis cause the failure monetary and the fall the value of currency excessively that cause the person more choose barter as the method bertransaksi. This has happened in Russia, for example, in the Soviet Union fall period.

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