Jumat, 25 Juli 2008
How To Filtering Pornographic Website
Pornographic content in the internet apparently not be able easily to be minimised. In fact children currently already many that can access the internet freely. "the Process filterisasi konten pornographic at this time just can be carried out with two methods. This method that is regarded as most effective by us although his application is not easy. First am with DNS filtering. Whereas the two are with proxi (cache) server filtering,"says the Director General of the Telematika Cahyana Ahmadjajadi Application, end the press conference deal with konten pornographic in the internet for children in the Depkominfo Building, the Medan road Independent, Jakarta the Centre, on Friday (25/7/2008). According to Cahyana, the screening technique goes through DNS will take up time that for quite a long time because his process involves the screening through PC. Meaning that, every time PC available must disetting before. That not to mention the process update domains that are pointed out have konten pornography. "If in a house with one or two PC possibly more will be easy. However if being related to the internet kiosk by hundreds of PC, he said will be other lagi,"states Cahyana. To overcome the difficulty Cahyana recommend to carry out the screening through proxy server (Cache). The process of this screening can be carried out in server the internet kiosk or in server ISP that provides the network of the internet. However Cahyana says that the process filtering by involving ISP or the telecommunications operator at this time was in the development stage. "KIta must menghadapai reality where each second is 208 thousand website just that publish all over the world. From this figure, approximately 40 percent him am the site that is indicated have konten pornografi,"says Cahyana. The process filtering through cache server must be carried out manually and definitely him will take up a lot of time. "At This Time his strategy is still involving help from the available communities. Both the world community of the internet and the affair community anak,"pungkas Cahyana.
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