Sabtu, 20 September 2008

Information about newly registered websites at

We are glad to forward this newsletter containing the information about newly registered websites with us. The details of which are as follows:

Recently Registered Text Links at Buy-selltextlinks.Com

 Domain Details PR  Alexa  Price  Type
Online Gadget Store
( (Mobile phones)
Online Gadget Store
No.of Links: 20  No.of Avaliable Links: 20
Zone: Page Top / Right Bar
0 $5 SiteWide

You're receiving this email because you've signup with to purchase or sale text links. We respect your privacy
To unsubscribe from this, please log in to your account at click on Manage Profile and modify your Emailing Options.

Following is your registration information:
Reg. date: 1/2/2007 7:08:25 PM
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Account Name / Email Address:

Thank You,
James Cann,

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