Sabtu, 20 September 2008

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Kamis, 31 Juli 2008


Papua is a province in Indonesia that is located in the New Guinea island the western part or west New Guinea. Papua also often is mentioned as Papua West because Papua can refer to all the New Guinea island including the east crack the neighbouring country, east New Guinea or Papua New Guinea. Papua West am the term that more is liked by the nationalists who want to isolate him from Indonesia and form the country personally. This province is previously known with the West Irian call since 1969 till 1973, his name is afterwards replaced to Irian Jaya by Soeharto when declaring the copper mine and Freeport gold, the name that continues to be used officially till 2002. The name of this province is replaced to"Papua"in accordance with UU of No 21/2001 Special Papua Autonomy. In the colonial Dutch era period, this area is acknowledged as New Guinea Netherlands (Dutch New Guinea). Provided that Irian words are to take part in the Republic of Indonesia Anti-Netherland. Papua words personally come from the significant Malay language curly hair, a picture that refers in the appearance Original. During 2004, is accompanied by various protests, Papua is divided into two provinces by the Indonesian government

Jumat, 25 Juli 2008

How To Filtering Pornographic Website

Pornographic content in the internet apparently not be able easily to be minimised. In fact children currently already many that can access the internet freely. "the Process filterisasi konten pornographic at this time just can be carried out with two methods. This method that is regarded as most effective by us although his application is not easy. First am with DNS filtering. Whereas the two are with proxi (cache) server filtering,"says the Director General of the Telematika Cahyana Ahmadjajadi Application, end the press conference deal with konten pornographic in the internet for children in the Depkominfo Building, the Medan road Independent, Jakarta the Centre, on Friday (25/7/2008). According to Cahyana, the screening technique goes through DNS will take up time that for quite a long time because his process involves the screening through PC. Meaning that, every time PC available must disetting before. That not to mention the process update domains that are pointed out have konten pornography. "If in a house with one or two PC possibly more will be easy. However if being related to the internet kiosk by hundreds of PC, he said will be other lagi,"states Cahyana. To overcome the difficulty Cahyana recommend to carry out the screening through proxy server (Cache). The process of this screening can be carried out in server the internet kiosk or in server ISP that provides the network of the internet. However Cahyana says that the process filtering by involving ISP or the telecommunications operator at this time was in the development stage. "KIta must menghadapai reality where each second is 208 thousand website just that publish all over the world. From this figure, approximately 40 percent him am the site that is indicated have konten pornografi,"says Cahyana. The process filtering through cache server must be carried out manually and definitely him will take up a lot of time. "At This Time his strategy is still involving help from the available communities. Both the world community of the internet and the affair community anak,"pungkas Cahyana.

How To Filtering Pornographic Website

Pornographic content in the internet apparently not be able easily to be minimised. In fact children currently already many that can access the internet freely. "the Process filterisasi konten pornographic at this time just can be carried out with two methods. This method that is regarded as most effective by us although his application is not easy. First am with DNS filtering. Whereas the two are with proxi (cache) server filtering,"says the Director General of the Telematika Cahyana Ahmadjajadi Application, end the press conference deal with konten pornographic in the internet for children in the Depkominfo Building, the Medan road Independent, Jakarta the Centre, on Friday (25/7/2008). According to Cahyana, the screening technique goes through DNS will take up time that for quite a long time because his process involves the screening through PC. Meaning that, every time PC available must disetting before. That not to mention the process update domains that are pointed out have konten pornography. "If in a house with one or two PC possibly more will be easy. However if being related to the internet kiosk by hundreds of PC, he said will be other lagi,"states Cahyana. To overcome the difficulty Cahyana recommend to carry out the screening through proxy server (Cache). The process of this screening can be carried out in server the internet kiosk or in server ISP that provides the network of the internet. However Cahyana says that the process filtering by involving ISP or the telecommunications operator at this time was in the development stage. "KIta must menghadapai reality where each second is 208 thousand website just that publish all over the world. From this figure, approximately 40 percent him am the site that is indicated have konten pornografi,"says Cahyana. The process filtering through cache server must be carried out manually and definitely him will take up a lot of time. "At This Time his strategy is still involving help from the available communities. Both the world community of the internet and the affair community anak,"pungkas Cahyana.

Rabu, 02 Juli 2008

Skype - Calling Without Pay

Skype was a communication program with technology P2P (peer to peer). This program was the free program (could diunduh free) and was made with the aim of the provisions of means of voice communication (voice) was of high quality that was cheap had the internet for everyone in various parts of the world as a base. The user Skype could speak with the user Skype other free, contacted the traditional telephone at a cost of (skypeOut), accepted the call from telephoning traditional (SkypeIn), and accepted the message of the voice [1]. Only in several years in April 2006 Skype had 100 million users. In the matter of the quality of the better voice, this possibly happened because of the team of the Skype work was successful Controlled resources- resources that were available in the network. So as to increase the success of the call and the quality in the Skype network exceeded the POTS level (Plain Old Telephony System: the Telepon Tua Biasa System) without using the concentration of expensive resources. By simplifying his software, this system enabled pengaplikasian that found it easy by who. Most of the sender-recipient the instant message (Instant Messenger) or communication software needed the form of the seeker's data was focussed that had a purpose so that relations between the user of the end succeed in being carried out, where the users of this end had the name of the static user because of his IP address tended Changed. This change happened during the user moved the location or tried to connect himself back to in the network by using the IP address dynamic. Most of the communications equipment that had the internet as a base, look for and found his user used the centre of information (central directory) where each name of the user and the number IP him was recorded and find out whether each user was in the network (online) or not. The centre of this information very much big his cost when his user improved as far as millions, by decentralising the infrastructure that ate many resources, skype succeeded in focussing his resources to develop the function. In the cover (the call break) as minimally as possible. By using all the available resources, Skype could aim cleverly the call call that terkode went through all the effective route that possibly was passed through. Skype in fact confirmed various connecting routes continued to be open and to dynamically move chose the best route at the time. This made Skype immediately became attention of the person because of his impact in reducing the continuation break and the increase in the quality of the call in the network. Each call and the instant message was encoded by Skype on the end one and other to protect the user's privation. This coding necessary because of all the call/the exchange of information was distributed used internet facilities for the public. This is susceptible to the deception and other crimes. 2. The big capacity. Skype eat 23MB the capacity hardisk when put on, compared with the sender the other instant message like Yahoo that eats the capacity is smaller around 10- 15 MB. 3. Terhalang by time and the person's willingness that call and that is called. The use skype with the voice method must be carried out with the plan beforehand as making the promise with the person that dituju, because if the person that dituju am not ready (terhalang by the difference of time or the continuation difficulty of the internet) then the intention of carrying out communication immediately through the voice can be still being in vain.


The Lombok island (the number of inhabitants during 2001: 2,722,123 souls) was an island in the island Sundanese Kecil or Nusa Tenggara that was separated by the Lombok Strait from Bali in a west splint and the Alas Strait on the east from Sumbawa. This island approximately have the shape of round with a kindthe tailin the south-west of that the length approximately 70 km. The topography of this island was dominated by the Rinjani volcano that his height reached 3.726 metre above sea level and made him that was third to be highest in Indonesia. This mountain finally erupted in the month June-July 1994. During 1997 the mountain region and the lake of Segara Anak were in the middle stated was protected by the government. The south area of this island most consisted of the fertile land that was made use of for agriculture, the commodity that usually is buried in the area This including corn, rice, coffee, tobacco and cotton. Around 80% the inhabitants of this island are the Sasak ethnic group, an ethnic group that still close to the Balinese ethnic group, but most embrace the Islam religion. Inhabitant is Balinese, Java, Tionghoa and Arabian. By Indonesian as the national language, the inhabitants of the Lombok island (especially the Sasak ethnic group), use the Sasak language as the main language in everyday conversation. All over Lombok personally the Sasak language can be encountered in four dialect sorts that are different namely the Lombok dialect north, middle, east sea and south-east. Moreover with the number of inhabitants of the Balinese ethnic group that resides in Lombok (most come from eks the Karangasem Kingdom), in several places especially in Lombok West and the Mataram municipality can be encountered the settlement that uses Balinese as the everyday conversational language. Most inhabitants of the Lombok island especially the Sasak ethnic group follow the Islam religion. The second religion biggest that is followed in this island am the Hindu religion, that is embraced by the inhabitants of the Balinese descendants who are numbering around 15% from all over the population there. The Christian follower, Buddha and the other religion can be also met, and are especially embraced by the immigrants from various ethnic groups and the ethnic group that settle in this island. In Lombok West the northern part, to be precise in the area of the Parakeet, especially in their circle that aged Continued, still can be encountered by the followers of the current Islam Wetu Telu (time of three). Unlike generally the follower of the Islam teaching that carries out prayers of five times in a day, of the followers of this teaching mempraktikan pray obligatory only in three times then. It seems this happens because of the disseminator Islam at that time teach Islam in stages and because something cannot complete his preaching. According to the contents of the Lombok Chronicle, the eldest kingdom that has had the power in this island named the Laeq Kingdom (in the language sasak laeq mean the past), but the other source namely the Suwung Chronicle, say that the eldest kingdom available in Lombok am the Suwung Kingdom that is built and led by the King Betara the Sense. The Suwung kingdom afterwards subsides and is replaced by the Lombok Kingdom. In the 9th age till the 11th age stand the Sasak Kingdom that afterwards is overcome by one of the kingdoms that comes from Bali in the period. Several other kingdoms that have stood in the Lombok island including Pejanggik, Langko, the Parakeet, the Samarkaton Support and Selaparang. The Selaparang kingdom personally emerges in two periods that is in the 13th age and the 16th age. The Selaparang kingdom first am the Hindu kingdom and his authority ends with the arrival of the Majapahit royal expedition in the year 1357. The Selaparang kingdom of the two is the Islam kingdom and his authority ends during 1740 after being conquered by the combination The kingdom of acid Coral from Bali and Arya the Brittle Series that is the royal family that berkhianat against Selaparang because of the problem with the king Selaparang. Chilli in many matters resembles Bali, and in the decade in the 1990 's begin to be known by foreign tourists. However with the monetary crisis emergence that strikes Indonesia at the end of 1997 and other crises that are with him, the potential for tourism rather is abandonned. Then at the beginning of 2000 the disturbance happen between-ethnic group and interdenominational all over Lombok so as to the large-scale evacuation of minorities happen. They especially flee to the Balinese island. However every few old afterwards the situation has become conducive and they have come back. During 2007 the sector of tourism is the only sector in Lombok that develops.