Sabtu, 20 September 2008

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Kamis, 31 Juli 2008


Papua is a province in Indonesia that is located in the New Guinea island the western part or west New Guinea. Papua also often is mentioned as Papua West because Papua can refer to all the New Guinea island including the east crack the neighbouring country, east New Guinea or Papua New Guinea. Papua West am the term that more is liked by the nationalists who want to isolate him from Indonesia and form the country personally. This province is previously known with the West Irian call since 1969 till 1973, his name is afterwards replaced to Irian Jaya by Soeharto when declaring the copper mine and Freeport gold, the name that continues to be used officially till 2002. The name of this province is replaced to"Papua"in accordance with UU of No 21/2001 Special Papua Autonomy. In the colonial Dutch era period, this area is acknowledged as New Guinea Netherlands (Dutch New Guinea). Provided that Irian words are to take part in the Republic of Indonesia Anti-Netherland. Papua words personally come from the significant Malay language curly hair, a picture that refers in the appearance Original. During 2004, is accompanied by various protests, Papua is divided into two provinces by the Indonesian government

Jumat, 25 Juli 2008

How To Filtering Pornographic Website

Pornographic content in the internet apparently not be able easily to be minimised. In fact children currently already many that can access the internet freely. "the Process filterisasi konten pornographic at this time just can be carried out with two methods. This method that is regarded as most effective by us although his application is not easy. First am with DNS filtering. Whereas the two are with proxi (cache) server filtering,"says the Director General of the Telematika Cahyana Ahmadjajadi Application, end the press conference deal with konten pornographic in the internet for children in the Depkominfo Building, the Medan road Independent, Jakarta the Centre, on Friday (25/7/2008). According to Cahyana, the screening technique goes through DNS will take up time that for quite a long time because his process involves the screening through PC. Meaning that, every time PC available must disetting before. That not to mention the process update domains that are pointed out have konten pornography. "If in a house with one or two PC possibly more will be easy. However if being related to the internet kiosk by hundreds of PC, he said will be other lagi,"states Cahyana. To overcome the difficulty Cahyana recommend to carry out the screening through proxy server (Cache). The process of this screening can be carried out in server the internet kiosk or in server ISP that provides the network of the internet. However Cahyana says that the process filtering by involving ISP or the telecommunications operator at this time was in the development stage. "KIta must menghadapai reality where each second is 208 thousand website just that publish all over the world. From this figure, approximately 40 percent him am the site that is indicated have konten pornografi,"says Cahyana. The process filtering through cache server must be carried out manually and definitely him will take up a lot of time. "At This Time his strategy is still involving help from the available communities. Both the world community of the internet and the affair community anak,"pungkas Cahyana.

How To Filtering Pornographic Website

Pornographic content in the internet apparently not be able easily to be minimised. In fact children currently already many that can access the internet freely. "the Process filterisasi konten pornographic at this time just can be carried out with two methods. This method that is regarded as most effective by us although his application is not easy. First am with DNS filtering. Whereas the two are with proxi (cache) server filtering,"says the Director General of the Telematika Cahyana Ahmadjajadi Application, end the press conference deal with konten pornographic in the internet for children in the Depkominfo Building, the Medan road Independent, Jakarta the Centre, on Friday (25/7/2008). According to Cahyana, the screening technique goes through DNS will take up time that for quite a long time because his process involves the screening through PC. Meaning that, every time PC available must disetting before. That not to mention the process update domains that are pointed out have konten pornography. "If in a house with one or two PC possibly more will be easy. However if being related to the internet kiosk by hundreds of PC, he said will be other lagi,"states Cahyana. To overcome the difficulty Cahyana recommend to carry out the screening through proxy server (Cache). The process of this screening can be carried out in server the internet kiosk or in server ISP that provides the network of the internet. However Cahyana says that the process filtering by involving ISP or the telecommunications operator at this time was in the development stage. "KIta must menghadapai reality where each second is 208 thousand website just that publish all over the world. From this figure, approximately 40 percent him am the site that is indicated have konten pornografi,"says Cahyana. The process filtering through cache server must be carried out manually and definitely him will take up a lot of time. "At This Time his strategy is still involving help from the available communities. Both the world community of the internet and the affair community anak,"pungkas Cahyana.

Rabu, 02 Juli 2008

Skype - Calling Without Pay

Skype was a communication program with technology P2P (peer to peer). This program was the free program (could diunduh free) and was made with the aim of the provisions of means of voice communication (voice) was of high quality that was cheap had the internet for everyone in various parts of the world as a base. The user Skype could speak with the user Skype other free, contacted the traditional telephone at a cost of (skypeOut), accepted the call from telephoning traditional (SkypeIn), and accepted the message of the voice [1]. Only in several years in April 2006 Skype had 100 million users. In the matter of the quality of the better voice, this possibly happened because of the team of the Skype work was successful Controlled resources- resources that were available in the network. So as to increase the success of the call and the quality in the Skype network exceeded the POTS level (Plain Old Telephony System: the Telepon Tua Biasa System) without using the concentration of expensive resources. By simplifying his software, this system enabled pengaplikasian that found it easy by who. Most of the sender-recipient the instant message (Instant Messenger) or communication software needed the form of the seeker's data was focussed that had a purpose so that relations between the user of the end succeed in being carried out, where the users of this end had the name of the static user because of his IP address tended Changed. This change happened during the user moved the location or tried to connect himself back to in the network by using the IP address dynamic. Most of the communications equipment that had the internet as a base, look for and found his user used the centre of information (central directory) where each name of the user and the number IP him was recorded and find out whether each user was in the network (online) or not. The centre of this information very much big his cost when his user improved as far as millions, by decentralising the infrastructure that ate many resources, skype succeeded in focussing his resources to develop the function. In the cover (the call break) as minimally as possible. By using all the available resources, Skype could aim cleverly the call call that terkode went through all the effective route that possibly was passed through. Skype in fact confirmed various connecting routes continued to be open and to dynamically move chose the best route at the time. This made Skype immediately became attention of the person because of his impact in reducing the continuation break and the increase in the quality of the call in the network. Each call and the instant message was encoded by Skype on the end one and other to protect the user's privation. This coding necessary because of all the call/the exchange of information was distributed used internet facilities for the public. This is susceptible to the deception and other crimes. 2. The big capacity. Skype eat 23MB the capacity hardisk when put on, compared with the sender the other instant message like Yahoo that eats the capacity is smaller around 10- 15 MB. 3. Terhalang by time and the person's willingness that call and that is called. The use skype with the voice method must be carried out with the plan beforehand as making the promise with the person that dituju, because if the person that dituju am not ready (terhalang by the difference of time or the continuation difficulty of the internet) then the intention of carrying out communication immediately through the voice can be still being in vain.


The Lombok island (the number of inhabitants during 2001: 2,722,123 souls) was an island in the island Sundanese Kecil or Nusa Tenggara that was separated by the Lombok Strait from Bali in a west splint and the Alas Strait on the east from Sumbawa. This island approximately have the shape of round with a kindthe tailin the south-west of that the length approximately 70 km. The topography of this island was dominated by the Rinjani volcano that his height reached 3.726 metre above sea level and made him that was third to be highest in Indonesia. This mountain finally erupted in the month June-July 1994. During 1997 the mountain region and the lake of Segara Anak were in the middle stated was protected by the government. The south area of this island most consisted of the fertile land that was made use of for agriculture, the commodity that usually is buried in the area This including corn, rice, coffee, tobacco and cotton. Around 80% the inhabitants of this island are the Sasak ethnic group, an ethnic group that still close to the Balinese ethnic group, but most embrace the Islam religion. Inhabitant is Balinese, Java, Tionghoa and Arabian. By Indonesian as the national language, the inhabitants of the Lombok island (especially the Sasak ethnic group), use the Sasak language as the main language in everyday conversation. All over Lombok personally the Sasak language can be encountered in four dialect sorts that are different namely the Lombok dialect north, middle, east sea and south-east. Moreover with the number of inhabitants of the Balinese ethnic group that resides in Lombok (most come from eks the Karangasem Kingdom), in several places especially in Lombok West and the Mataram municipality can be encountered the settlement that uses Balinese as the everyday conversational language. Most inhabitants of the Lombok island especially the Sasak ethnic group follow the Islam religion. The second religion biggest that is followed in this island am the Hindu religion, that is embraced by the inhabitants of the Balinese descendants who are numbering around 15% from all over the population there. The Christian follower, Buddha and the other religion can be also met, and are especially embraced by the immigrants from various ethnic groups and the ethnic group that settle in this island. In Lombok West the northern part, to be precise in the area of the Parakeet, especially in their circle that aged Continued, still can be encountered by the followers of the current Islam Wetu Telu (time of three). Unlike generally the follower of the Islam teaching that carries out prayers of five times in a day, of the followers of this teaching mempraktikan pray obligatory only in three times then. It seems this happens because of the disseminator Islam at that time teach Islam in stages and because something cannot complete his preaching. According to the contents of the Lombok Chronicle, the eldest kingdom that has had the power in this island named the Laeq Kingdom (in the language sasak laeq mean the past), but the other source namely the Suwung Chronicle, say that the eldest kingdom available in Lombok am the Suwung Kingdom that is built and led by the King Betara the Sense. The Suwung kingdom afterwards subsides and is replaced by the Lombok Kingdom. In the 9th age till the 11th age stand the Sasak Kingdom that afterwards is overcome by one of the kingdoms that comes from Bali in the period. Several other kingdoms that have stood in the Lombok island including Pejanggik, Langko, the Parakeet, the Samarkaton Support and Selaparang. The Selaparang kingdom personally emerges in two periods that is in the 13th age and the 16th age. The Selaparang kingdom first am the Hindu kingdom and his authority ends with the arrival of the Majapahit royal expedition in the year 1357. The Selaparang kingdom of the two is the Islam kingdom and his authority ends during 1740 after being conquered by the combination The kingdom of acid Coral from Bali and Arya the Brittle Series that is the royal family that berkhianat against Selaparang because of the problem with the king Selaparang. Chilli in many matters resembles Bali, and in the decade in the 1990 's begin to be known by foreign tourists. However with the monetary crisis emergence that strikes Indonesia at the end of 1997 and other crises that are with him, the potential for tourism rather is abandonned. Then at the beginning of 2000 the disturbance happen between-ethnic group and interdenominational all over Lombok so as to the large-scale evacuation of minorities happen. They especially flee to the Balinese island. However every few old afterwards the situation has become conducive and they have come back. During 2007 the sector of tourism is the only sector in Lombok that develops.

BusWay - Jakarta Hurry !

TransJakarta or the public is acknowledged as Busway am a transport system of the fast bus in Jakarta, Indonesia. This system dimodelkan am based on the system TransMilenio that is successful in Bogota, Kolombia. The bus TransJakarta (Tije) begin his operation on January 15 2004 with the aim of giving the faster transport service, comfortable, but is covered for the Jakarta resident. To achieve this matter, the Tije bus is given the special row in the roads that becomes part of his route and this row may not be passed by the other vehicle (including the public's bus apart from TransJakarta). In order to be covered by the community, then the price of the ticket is subsidised by the regional government. At the time of early operate, TransJakarta experience many problems, one of them is when the roof of one of his buses bashes the tunnel of the railway rails. Moreover, many of these buses that experience damage, good the door, the switch of the stop of the location notification, as far as free light. For two first weeks, from January 15 2004 to January 30 2004, the Tije bus gives the service free. The opportunity is used for the socialisation, where the Jakarta resident for the first time knows the new transport system. Then, from February 1 2005, the Tije bus begins to operate commercially. Since Kartini's Day on April 21 2005, TransJakarta have the female driver as the shape of the emancipation of the woman. The manager aim at that later the number of female drivers will achieve 30% of the whole of the number of drivers. Until With May 2006, have had more than 50 female drivers. Exactly 2 years after the first time being operated on, on January 15 2006 TransJakarta launch the corridor route 2 (Pulo Gadung - the Harmony) and 3 (Kalideres - the New Market). From Sunday, on February 10 2008, several buses TransJakarta the corridor 3 begin to go through his route that is new, that is from the side of Kalideres after the Jelambar stop stays straight through Street the Tapa religious teacher heads the Central Busway Harmony Stop does not turn through Tomang. The use of this route is still being not yet official because of most corridor buses 3 still melaui the Tomang route, and 2 stops busway along Street the religious teacher Tapa does not yet operate. In an effort to him increase the service TransJakarta, the Body of the Public's Service (BLU) TransJakarta since November 1 2007 begin to carry out the test of several new routes. the Blok M Route - on Monday, to the bus is acknowledged as the Corridor 1A. the Route that is passed through from Blok M beyond Street Sisingamangaraja, Street Sudirman, Street MH THAMRIN, Monas then memutari the Monas Stop heads the town hall Stop, Gambir Ii, Kwitang, and turn to the Atrium stop on Monday. Whereas from the side of the Atrium on Monday, the bus will pass the RSPAD Gatot Soebroto stop, the Foreign Affairs Department, Gambir I, the Freedom, Only you, Pecenongan, Monas, to BI, Street Thamrin, Street. Sudirman, Street Sisingamangaraja and enter the Bloc's terminal M. the Route of the Crocodile Swamp - ASMI. go through the ASMI stop, Pedongkelan, Cempaka East, the Islam HOSPITAL, Cempaka Middle, the Market Cempaka White, the South Swamp, the Groove, on Monday, the Atrium on Monday, RSPAD, the Foreign Affairs Department, Gambir 1, the Freedom, Only you, Pecenongan, Jelambar, Indosiar, the City Garden, the Suspension Bridge, Dispenda/is corrected, New Bridge, the Crocodile Swamp. The Blok M route - on Monday take 10 bus units from the Corridor 1. This route uses 15 fleets from the Corridor 3. the Pulo Gadung Route - Kaliders, unite the corridor 2 and 3. the PGC Route - the Atrium (on Monday), am the special route that is opened only on the Monday - on Friday, several sources state that this is caused by the low level of the mobility of the user TransJakarta to Ancol for the work day. the PGC Route - Ancol, am the special route that is opened only on the Saturday and on Sunday, as the replacement of the PGC route - the Atrium. Several sources state that this is caused by the height of the requirement for passengers TransJakarta to the tourist attraction in Ancol. The bus that is used as the bus TransJakarta am the bus of Mercedes-Benz and Hino. The colour of the bus is red and yellow is accompanied with the picture of the eagle bondol and salak in the exterior part. The fuel that is used is bio diesel fuel. For the Corridor 2 (the colour of the blue and white bus) and 3 (the colour of the yellow and red bus), buses that are used are the Daewoo bus use as fuel gas that is imported from South Korea. These buses are built by using choice materials. For the interior of the bus ceiling, use the fireproof material so as if the sprinkling of fire happening will not creep. For his framework, use Galvanil, a kind and the firm and rustproof iron of metal of the zinc mixture. The bus TransJakarta have the door that is located higher compared to the other bus so as only can be climbed onto from the special stop busway (also is known with the term shelter). This door is located in the right and left middle. The door to the bus uses the automatic fold system that can be controlled from the available consul in the driver's panel. For the corridor bus 2 and 3, the mechanism of the door opening was changed into the system shift to more mengakomodasi passenger congestion at certain hours, near passenger seats that his rear is the shift route in the door, is installed pengaman that is made from acrylic glasses to avoid collide him the part of the passenger body by the shifting door. Each bus is supplemented with the plank of the announcement of electronics and the loudspeaker that inform the stop that immediately will be passed through to the passengers in 2 languages, that is Indonesian and English. Each bus is also supplemented with radio communications means call that enable the driver to give and get Latest information concerning the impasse, the accident, the backward, et cetera passenger thing. For the safety of passengers is provided 8 hammers of glasses breakers that are installed in several window frames and 3 emergency exits that can be opened manually for the need of the fast evacuation in the state of emergency, as well as two tubes of the fire extinguisher in front and behind. To guard so that air stays fresh, especially at busy hours, from January 2005 in stages in each bus has in the pair of the automatic air freshener implement, that periodically will do penyemportan perfume. Stops TransJakarta am different from normal bus-stops. Apart from his location that is on the way, in fact in the stop in front of the Sarinah shop building and the Union's Office of nations, is given by lift facilities. The Busway stop in Pasarbaru the Busway Stop in Pasarbaru The construction of the stop is dominated by the material alumunium, the steel, and glasses. Air ventilation is given by providing the spoke alumunium to the side of the stop. The floor of the stop is made from the steel plate. The door to the stop uses the system shift automatic that would lansung am open when the bus docked in the stop. Crossing bridge that becomes the stop connector is made by the gradient (with the exception of several stops, like the HI roundabout stop) so that more am friendly to the person of the defect. The floor of bridge uses the material that is the same as the floor of the stop (with the exception to some crossing bridge like the Jelambar stop and The Hilir dam that still was using the construction of the concrete) From November 1 2004, to the corridor 1 was provided by the ticket system prabayar (Multi Trip). An user could buy a special ticket with the value of the balance was early certain (@Rp. 3500, the purchase of early et cetera minimal 10 nominal units the trip) in the Bloc's M. Alih-alih stop was put into the hole that was available in barrier, this ticket was stuck to the censor on the upper part of the machine, the machine will afterwards reduce the number of balances, put forward the balance that remained, afterwards permitted the user to enter the stop. The refilling of the balance could be carried out all over the stop that was gotten in the corridor 1. The profit from the use of this ticket was the user might not queue in the window every time want to used TransJakarta, while his lack was this kind ticket did not know the price system to be economical of the morning The day like the ticket Single the Trip. In several stops am available the free daily bulletin\Trans the City\that is allocated for the passengers. His contents is the news of the public, the news of sport, the news of entertainment, the news of criminality, the health article, heterogenous the tip and the trick, consumptive thing information latest, the news around operational TransJakarta, et cetera. To catch passengers in various places, is provided by several buses feeder or pengumpan. This bus connects various areas with one of the stops TransJakarta like near the Queen the Plaza (the Senayan Roundabout stop) although continuing to use the normal bus-stop. Several examples of the bus feeder this including being the bus that serves the Bintaro area and BSD. In Street Gadjah Stupid, Jakarta the Centre, is built a special stop with the measurement is far more bigger from other stops. This stop is given by the name of the Central Busway Harmony. The stop that is built on the Ciliwung Time is the transfer point antarkoridor 1, 2, and 3. The powerful stop is floating 500 people have 6 doors. Despite many trees that are forced to be cut down in the development of the route TransJakarta, an old banyan tree in this stop is not cut down during the development because it was considered have the high value of the history. However in October 2006, this tree is damaged by a group of person from the Young Man the Islam Association on the basis of want to prove that this tree not the armature and the shrine like that is trusted By some people. [4] The resident of the Beautiful Hut refuses the development of the VIII corridor the route Harmony-Valley the Socket, the reason will chase away hundreds of palm trees that has berpuluh the year becomes beauty of the median of Street Metro the Beautiful Hut. The resident asks for the development busway is stopped because of not yet having the analysis concerning the impact of his environment. The worried resident of the development busway the VIII corridor will damage the environment. Moreover, will increase the impasse and pollution of the Beautiful Hut region. On October 30, the resident registers the lawsuit perdata to the Southern Jakarta District Court. The case is registered with the number of the case of 1655/Pdt.G/2007/PN South Jakarta. The resident of the whistle, Jakarta North, also ask for the development of the route busway the IX corridor (Penang Ranti-whistle) is postponed. Delegation of the resident who is bundled into the Forum for the Community cares about the whistle Environment (FMPLP) visit the Faction's PDIP space (the Indonesian Demoratic Party of Struggle) DPRD Special Capital District OF Jakarta, on October 4 2007. Their arrival is related the development refusal of the route busway the IX corridor (Penang Ranti-whistle). The resident refuse if his development is not carried out truly. Because, uptil now often the impasse around the location of the execution of the project happen. The project busway this IX corridor also does not yet have the analysis of the impact concerning the environment (amdal). The resident asks the Special Capital District Provincial Government to postpone the development of the route busway the IX Corridor, before being finished him amdal and good project management before. The government and the representative of the people the Tangerang Regency, Banten, refuse the development plan of the special route the Transjakarta bus that connects the Kalideres Terminal With Bumi Serpong Damai (BSD). The reason is, the development busway that was considered only will increase the impasse in the Tangerang Regency. According to Tangerang Regent, Ismet, at this time the Tangerang Regency territory, especially in the Serpong Highway, began the border of the Tangerang City has had the layout and the part of the good road. The People's Representative Council Daerah of the Tangerang Regency supported the refusal action towards the development busway. According to Komisi D Bidang Pembangunan DPRD Kabupaten Tangerang Syarifullah Chairman, the Ismet refusal was basic enough. The traffic in several roads in Jakarta stalled since September 2007 from the morning to the afternoon. The most serious impasse in Yos Sudarso in front of Artha Gading as far as Boulevard Barat. In struck 13,30, the rate of the vehicle in two directions in the region was very slow. To penetrate 200 metre, Kompas needed time 30 minutes. As well as have the project busway the Time Corridor, also the project, and Street layang of the garden arrangement (fly over). This region becomes the traffic knot that most stalls. The vehicle that will descend from the Cawang toll in ramp off Pulogadung and Sunter cannot also move, and the tail of the impasse creeps to the toll gate in the City in Cililitan, since the morning until before strike 12,00, and that happen again the afternoon of his day. The traffic flow is also most crammed in the Great whistle, the South whistle, the Long Mansion and Street Pakin resulting from the foundry busway the IX. Corridor Pembagunan the route busway the VIII Corridor (the Valley Socket-Harmony) that, cause the impasse and the chaos of the traffic that has happened in Jakarta since around the last month, since the commencement of the development of three route corridors busway simultaneously in various city parts. Street Long then already for weeks always has been stricken by the impasse, since being begun by his founder the tracks of the special bus in several of his parts. The total impasse almost daily happens all along Street Lt Gen S Parman and Street Gatot Subroto. The cause is, the development of the route busway the IX Corridor (Penang Ranti Big-whistle) that also cross the part of the road that divides Jakarta from the north-west of to south-east that. Street Gatot Subroto currently takes on the appearance of hell at least for the Jakarta resident and surrounding area, who every day must go through the road. The condition takes place Since two last week during some road bodies were used for the development project of the bus route transjakarta the Corridor 9. The wide road suddenly became smaller. The vehicle flow tersumbat. The serious impasse also happens every day in Street Gatot Subroto that initially lines up in four rows become smaller to three rows, then two rows, until there remained one row. The narrowest point of one row happens exact by the stall of the road, that is located between the Bidakara Building and Queen's precious stone House of edge cigarettes. The formation of the row is formed because some road bodies are eaten by the development of the Corridor IX. one row is as wide around three metre that memanjang around 50 metre until the gate goes out of Queen's precious stone House. After that, the road body widens again so as the car again could berformasi two to three rows. The row constriction only 50 metre in one point cause the car queue could mengular as far as Grogol but also as far as Street layang tendean to the side of Blok M.

Definition of Train - Locomotive

The train is transport means of taking the form of the vehicle with kinetic energy, both go personally and is connected with the other vehicle, that would or am moving in the rails. The train is the mass transport implement that generally consists of the locomotive (the vehicle with proceeding kinetic energy personally) and the series of the carriage or the carriage (is connected with the other vehicle). The series of the carriage or the carriage this measuring relatively wide so as to be able to contain passengers and the thing in large scale. Because of his characteristics as the mass transport effective, several countries try to make use of him maximally as the main transport implement of the good land transport in the city, intercity, and international. The history of the same railway like the history of the transport implement generally that is preceeded with the discovery of the wheel. At first is known by the horse carriage that only consists of one carriage (the series), afterwards is made the interesting horse carriage more than one series as well as go in the certain route that is made from the iron (the rails) and is named the tram. This is used especially in the area of the mining of the place is gotten by the lorry that is connected and pulled with the horse power. After James Watt find the vapour machine, Nicolas Cugnot makes the vehicle beroda three use as fuel vapour. People acknowledge the vehicle as the iron horse. Afterwards Richard Trevithick makes the locomotive machine that is connected with the carriage and makes use of him in the performance in front of the public's community. George Stephenson completes the locomotive that Normally is encountered. These carriage rails only consist of one stick of the iron. The location of the train is designed am suspended to the rails or on the rails. Because efficient, usually is used as the transport implement of the city especially in metropolitan cities the world and is drafted am similar like Street layang. The monorail train (the single rails train) am the train that his route is unlike the normal carriage route encountered. These carriage rails only consist of one stick of the iron. The location of the train is designed am suspended to the rails or on the rails. Because efficient, usually is used as the transport implement of the city especially in metropolitan cities the world and is drafted am similar like Street layang.

Minggu, 29 Juni 2008


MySpace adalah situs web menciptakan jaringan kerja yang sosial yang populer yang menawarkan sejaringan teman yang diajukan oleh pemakai yang interaktif, profil pribadi, blogs, kelompok-kelompok, foto-foto, musik dan video bagi anak belasan tahun dan orang dewasa secara internasional. Markas besarnya di Beverly Hills, California, AS, di mana salingberbagi gedung kantor, Fox Interactive Media; yang dimiliki oleh News Corporation, yang mempunyai markas besarnya di New York City. Perusahaan mempekerjakan 300 staf dan tidak menyingkap pendapatan atau keuntungan secara terpisah dari Berita Perusahaan. Ke-100 kesejuta rekening dibuat pada 6 Agustus, 2006 pada Belanda dan tegas cerita berita 106 juta rekening pada 8 September, 2006, dan tempat menurut laporan menarik 230.000 pendaftaran baru sehari. Sesudah peluncuran 2002 Friendster, beberapa eUniverse pegawai dengan rekening Friendster memahami potensinya dan memutuskan meniru roman situs web menciptakan jaringan kerja yang sosial yang lebih populer, pada Agustus 2003. Dalam 10 hari, versi pertama MySpace siap untuk meluncurkan. Prasarana lengkap keuangan, sumber penghasilan manusiawi, keahlian teknik, bandwidth, dan kapasitas server bisa melakukan tempat, tepat dari pintu, oleh sebab itu MySpace tim tidak disimpangkan dengan khas mulai-ke atas keluar. Proyek diawasi oleh Brad Greenspan (eUniverseS Pendiri, Chairman, CEO), Yang mengelola Chris DeWolfe (MySpaceS mulai DIRUT), mengolok-olok Berman, Tom Anderson (MySpaceS mulai presiden), dan setim pemrogram dan sumber penghasilan disediakan oleh eUniverse. Terlebih dulu MySpace pemakai ialah eUniverse pegawai. Perusahaan mengadakan perlombaan untuk melihat yang bisa menandatangani-ke atas kebanyakan pemakai. Perusahaan kemudian mempergunakan sumber penghasilannya untuk mendorong MySpace ke masses. eUniverse mempergunakan 20 juta orang pemakai dan pelanggan e-mailnya untuk dengan cepat mengatakan hidup pelan-pelan ke dalam MySpace, dan memindahkannya kepada bagian depan banyak situs web menciptakan jaringan kerja yang sosial. Seorang arsitek utama ialah tech ahli Toan Nguyen yang menolong menyabil MySpace panggung ketika Brad Greenspan memintanya menghubungkan tim. Asal lingkup adalah tempat bertuan oleh, Inc. It dimaksudkan untuk menjadi penyimpanan data online yang terkemuka dan membagikan tempat sampai 2002. Menjelang 2004, MySpace dan, yang ada sebagai macam digaul dengan, sudah membuat peralihan dari tempat penyimpanan betul-betul ke tempat menciptakan jaringan kerja yang sosial. Ini adalah hubungan alami kepada Chris DeWolfe dan seorang teman, yang mengingatkannya bahwa xHSindirect, memaksudkannya untuk dipakai sebagai jaringan mengadakan situs, sejak kedua yang mengerjakan sesuatu Waktu di perusahaan penyimpanan data betul-betul, yang sendiri adalah seorang korbantitik bomera. Sesaat sesudah meluncurkan tempat, tim anggota Chris DeWolfe mengusulkan agar mereka mulai minta biaya untuk dasar MySpace industri jawa. Brad Greenspan nixed gagasan, percaya kepada yang tahan lama MySpace bebas dan terbuka perlu untuk menjadikannya himpunan besar dan berhasil. Beberapa pegawai MySpace termasuk DeWolfe dan Berman nanti dapat membeli aset di milik terlebih dahulu MySpace, dannya perusahaan induk eUniverse (sekarang menyebutkan kembali Intermix Media) disuap pada Juli 2005 selama US$580 juta oleh Rupert MurdochS News Corporation (perusahaan induk Penyiaran Rubah dan perusahaan media lain). Jumlah ini, sekitar US$327 juta sudah dipertalikan dengan nilai MySpace menurut pendapat kejujuran penasehat keuangan. Pada Januari 2006, Rubah mengumumkan rencana untuk melancarkan versi UK MySpace di tawaran kemengetuk ke dalam bidang musik UKyang sudah dilakukan mereka sejak. Mereka juga melepaskan versi di Cina dan mungkin akan melancarkan versi mirip di negara lain. Sejarah bisnis MySpace sama baiknya dengan status Tom Anderson sebagai MySpace pendiri sudah adalah soal beberapa publik Perselisihan. MySpace membedah semata-mata di atas pendapatan ditimbulkan oleh periklanan sebagai model pemakainya mempunyai bukan membayar-untuk roman bagi pemakai akhir. Lewat Situs Webnya dan bergabung jaringan-jaringan iklan, MySpace ialah detik hanya kepada Yahoo! Dinya kecakapannya untuk mengangkat data mengenai pemakainya dan demikian di kemampuannya untuk menggunakan behavioral mengarah untuk memilih iklan setiap pengunjung melihat. Pada 8 Agustus, 2006, mencari mesin Google menandatangani transaksi sebesar $900 juta untuk memberikan fasilitas pencarian dan periklanan Google di MySpace. MySpace sudah terbukti menjadi rejeki monplok bagi banyak perusahaan yang lebih kecil bahwa menyediakan widgets atau aksesori kepada raksasa menciptakan jaringan kerja yang sosial. Perusahaan seperti, RockYou!, dan YouTube semua yang dimulai MySpace sebagai widgets menyediakan tambahan functionality ke tempat. Tempat lain menciptakan layouts ke personalize tempat dan membuat ratusan ribu dolar bagi pemiliknya sebagian besar diantaranya yang di umur belasan tahun terlambat mereka dan awal twenties. Profil berisi dua standarblurbs:"About MedanWho ID Suka untuk Menjumpaibagian-bagian. Profil juga berisiMenarik Bagibagian danDetailbagian. DiDetailbagian,StatusdanZodiac Signbidang selalu akan terpajang. Tetapi, bidang di bagian-bagian ini tidak akan didasar jika anggota Jangan isi mereka. Profil juga berisi blog dengan bidang standar untuk isi, emosi, dan media. MySpace juga menyokong uploading tamsilan. Salah satu tamsilan bisa dipilih untuk menjadikelalaian image,tamsilan yang akan dimengerti atas profilS utama halaman, mencari halaman, dan sebagai tamsilan yang akan muncul ke sebelah pemakaiS nama atas komentar, pesan, dll. Kilisan, seperti di MySpaceS industri jawa video, bisa dipatri. Roman Blogging sudah adalah sebagian MySpace sejak 1999.Below PemakaiS Angkasa Teman (dengan kelalaian)komentarbagian, dalam mana pemakaiS teman mungkin meninggalkan komentar bagi semua penonton untuk membaca. MySpace pemakai mempunyai pilihan untuk menghilangkan komentar yang mana pun danatau mengharuskan semua komentar disetujui terlebih dahulu mengirimkan. Jika seorang pemakaiS rekening dihilangkan, setiap komentar yang ditinggalkan atas profil lain oleh pemakai itu akan dihilangkan, dan diganti dengan pepatah komentarProfil ini tidak lagi ada. MySpace membolehkan pemakai membuat halaman profil pemakai mereka dengan memasuki HTML menurut pesanan (tetapi tidak JavaScript) ke dalam bidang seperti itu sebagaiTentang Me,"ID Suka ke Meet,danMenarik Bagi. Video dan isi yang berbahan dasar kilisan bisa dimasukkan cara ini. Pemakai juga mempunyai pilihan untuk menambahkan musik ke mereka Halaman profil via MySpace Music, servis yang membolehkan gerombolan-gerombolan mengirimkan lagu untuk penggunaan di MySpace. Seorang pemakai juga bisa mengubah penampilan umum halaman mereka dengan memasuki CSS (di unsur) ke dalam salah satu ladang ini untuk mengesampingkan halamanS kelalaian gaya lembar menggunakan MySpace redaktur. Ini sering dipergunakan untuk memilin bak dan warna. Fakta bahwa ditambahkan oleh pemakai CSS terletak di tengah halaman (daripada ditempatkan di unsur kimia) alat yang akan dimulai oleh halaman untuk membebani dengan kelalaian MySpace layout terlebih dahulu dengan tiba-tiba berubah sampai adat layout. Spesial macam modifikasi div melapisi, di mana kelalaian layout secara dramatis diganti dengan bersembunyi kelalaian teks with etiket dan tamsilan besar. Ada beberapa situs web mandiri menawarkan MySpace layout kegunaan bentuk yang membiarkan seorang pemakai memilih pilihan dan tinjauan apa halaman mereka akan kelihatan seperti dengan mereka. MySpace baru-baru ini sudah menambahkannya sendiriProfile Customizerke tempat, membolehkan pemakai mengubah profil mereka lewat MySpace. Memakai ciri-ciri ini melewati persoalan kelambatan membebani CSS, sebagai MySpace kelalaian kode diganti untuk profil yang dibuat menurut pesanan. MySpace profil redaktur juga mempunyai kritik dengan bagaimana Hubungan muncul atas profil. Music Wikinews sudah menceritakan berita: MySpace untuk menerima iTunes MySpace profil bagi musisi berbeda dengan profil biasa di itu seniman dibolehkan ke upload sampai enam MP3 lagu. Uploader harus mempunyai hak-hak untuk memakai lagu (e.g kerja mereka sendiri, izin yang diberi, dll). Tak menandatangani musisi bisa menggunakan MySpace untuk mengirimkan dan berbisnis musik yang memakai SNOCAP, yang sudah ternyata populer di antara MySpace pemakai. Sesaat sesudah MySpace dijual kepada Rupert Murdoch pemilik berita Rubah dan 20th Century Fox pada 2005 mereka meluncurkan etiket rekor mereka sendiri, MySpace Records, di usaha untuk menemukan bakat yang tak dikenal sekarang ini di MySpace Music. MySpace Music adalah sebagian situs web yang membolehkan pemakainya mendasar lagu mereka. Tidak berarti jika seniman sudah terkenal atau masih mencari patah tulang ke dalam industri; bercita-cita seniman bisa memuatkan lagu mereka ke atas MySpace dan mempunyai akses kepada jutaan orang atas dasar sehari-hari. Beberapa penyanyi tenar seperti Lilly Allen dan Sean Kingston mendapat kemasyuran lewat MySpace. Ketersediaan musik di atas situs web ini terus berkembang di yayasan bakat muda. Di atas delapan juta orang seniman sudah ditemukan Oleh MySpace, dan banyak lebih banyak terus ditemukan tiap hari. MySpace Buletin Buletin roman adalah pos yang dikirimkan di kepapan pengumumanbagi tiap orang di MySpace pemakaiS teman daftar untuk melihat. Buletin bisa berguna karena menghubungi daftar teman seluruh tanpa terpaksa menggunakan ke messaging pemakai sendiri-sendiri. Beberapa pemakai pilih untuk memakai Buletin sebagai servis karena mengantarkan pesan rantai tentang politik, agama, atau yang lain dan kadang-kadang pesan rantai ini dipertimbangkan mungkin jatuh kepada pemakai, terutama yang menyebut keberuntungan jelek, kematian, atau topik mirip itu. Mereka juga sudah menjadi titik serangan pokok untuk phishing. Buletin dihilangkan sesudah sepuluh hari. Groups MySpace mempunyai Kelompok-Kelompok tampil yang membolehkan sekelompok pemakai saling berbagi makanan halaman dan pesan biasa. Kelompok-kelompok bisa diciptakan oleh siapa saja, dan ketua kelompok bisa pilih bagi siapa saja untuk berhubungan, atau untuk menyetujui atau menyangkal permintaan untuk berhubungan. MySpaceIM Utama artikel: MySpaceIM In awal 2006, MySpace diperkenalkan MySpaceIM, seorang utusan seketika yang memakai sesuatuS MySpace rekening sebagai nama layar. MySpace batang kayu pemakai kepada klien yang memakai e-mail sama digaul dengannya atau dia MySpace rekening. Tidak seperti bagian lain MySpace, MySpaceIM adalah perangkat halus sikap-sendiri untuk Microsoft Windows. Pemakai yang menggunakan MySpaceIM jadi seketika pemberitahuan baru MySpace pesan, permintaan teman, dan komentar. MySpaceTV In awal 2007, MySpace diperkenalkan MySpaceTV, servis mirip YouTube video membagikan situs web. MySpaceTV sekarang di cara beta, dan akan mungkin diluncurkan sebagai memisahkan tempat pada baik 2008 atau awal 2009. MySpaceTV mungkin menjadi saluran standar yang akan diperlihatkan di atas televisi. Applications In 2008, MySpace memperkenalkan API dengan pemakai yang mana bisa membuat lamaran bagi pemakai lain untuk mengirimkan atas profil mereka. Lamaran mirip lamaran Facebook. Pada Mei 2008, MySpace sudah menambahkan beberapa pilihan keamanan yang memandang interaksi dengan foto dan media lain. MySpace Mobile There adalah jenis lingkungan di pemakai yang mana bisa akses MySpace isi di atas ponsel mereka. Amerika ponsel pamong Helio melepaskan rentetan ponsel pada awal 2006 yang bisa menggunakan servis yang dikenal sebagai MySpace Mobile sampai akses dan menyunting sesuatuS profil dan berhubungan dengan, dan pandangan profil, anggota lain. Lebih dari itu, UIEvolution dan MySpace memperkembangkan versi yang bisa berpindah-pindah MySpace untuk tingkat nada alat pengangkut yang lebih luas, termasuk DI Pada bulan April 2007, MySpace melancarkan servis berita yang dianggap MySpace News yang menunjukkan berita dari makanan RSS yang diajukan oleh pemakai. Juga membolehkan pemakai memeringkatkan masing-masing cerita berita dengan memberikan suara kepadanya. Lebih banyak suara cerita mendapat, yang lebih tinggi cerita naik halaman. MySpace Classifieds Full industri jawa classifieds mendaftar menawarkan mulai pada Agustus 2006. Apakah ditanam oleh 33 persen pada satu tahun sejak permulaan. MySpace Classifieds diluncurkan tepat sekaligus tempat muncul di internet. MySpace Karaoke Launched 29 April, 2008, adalah kombinasi MySpace dan kSolo, yang membolehkan pemakai ke upload audio rekaman sendiri menyanyi ke atas halaman profil mereka. Pemakaiteman dapat menilai kinerja. Ciri-ciri video belum yang ada, tetapi Tom Anderson, MySpace anggota pendiri dan presiden, menyebutkan bahwa di karya. MySpace diberikan MySpace Polls adalah ciri-ciri di MySpace itu dikembalikan pada 2008 untuk memungkinkan pemakai mengirimkan tempat pemungutan suara atas profil dan bagian mereka mereka dengan pemakai lain. Politics Many organisasi politik sudah menciptakan MySpace rekening untuk menahan sedikit dengan dan memperluas pangkalan keanggotaan mereka. Ini jajaran dari organisasi yang lebih besar seperti Greenpeace dan ACLU ke lebih kecil ditumpukan di daerah setempat environmentalist kelompok-kelompok dan Makanan tidak mengebom aktivis. Many penuh harap calon presiden 2008 sudah berdiri MySpace profil, agaknya di usaha untuk menjerat pemilih yang lebih muda. Kebanyakan profil menampilkan foto, blogs, video, dan cara bagi penonton untuk terlibat dengan berkampanye. MySpace menampilkan politikus iniprofil di atas halaman mukanya diOrang Baru yang mengagumkanbagian, di atas apa yang kelihatannya menjadi pergiliran acak. Kontroversi di balik Spam sejarah bisnisTom Anderson PR In September 2006, artikel panjang yang ditulis dengan jaringan wartawan Trent Lapinski,MySpace: Perusahaan Spam 2.0, diterbitkan di samping Silicon Valley gunjingan blog, Valleywag (Gawker Media milik). Artikel menceritakan sejarah bisnis yang terperinci MySpace, menyatakan bahwa MySpace secara organik tidak ditanam dari Tom AndersonS garasi, tetapi lebih adalah produk telah berkembang oleh eUniverse bermaksud untuk mendahului Friendster, dan itu awalnya sudah mendapat kepopuleran lewat kampanye internet masal yang intensif dan tidak dengan lisan. Di antara klaim lain adalah pernyataan bahwa Tom Anderson semula sudah digaji sebagai copyeditor dannyapendiridanterlebih dulu temanstatus adalah penemuan hubungan masyarakat. Lapinski mengusulkan agar News Corp. sudah mencoba menekan penerbitan sejarah Dengan mengancam penerbit aslinya. Brad GreenspanThe MySpace Report In Oktober 2006, Brad Greenspan (mantan Ketua, DIRUT dan paling besar perseorangan pemegang saham Intermix Media, yang menuntut untuk menjadi yang sebenarnyapendiri MySpace) meluncurkan situs web dan menerbitkanMySpace Reportitu meminta Komisi Surat Jaminan dan Penukaran, Departemen Amerika Serikat Keadilan dan Panitia Senat AS atas Keuangan untuk menyelidiki News CorpS akuisisi MySpace sebagaisatu penggabungan yang paling besar dan skandal akuisisi di sejarah AS. laporanS utama tuduhan adalah News Corp. itu sudah sebaiknya menghargai MySpace di US$20 milyar daripada US$327 juta, dan mempunyai, di efek, menggelapkan uang mencampurkan pemegang saham lewat proses transaksi tak adil. Laporan menerima jawaban tercampur dari komentator keuangan di pers. Gugatan hukum pertama yang dituntun oleh Greenspan yang meragukan akuisisi ditolak oleh seorang hakim. GreenspanS laporan juga negara bagian bahwa MySpace program kode semula sudah adalah gagasan BercampureUniverse pemrogram menamai Toan Nguyen yang membuat terobosan teknik sumbangan sampai proyek. Valleywag berspekulasi bahwa Greenspan mungkin seorang sumber utama bagi LapinskiS September artikel,MySpace pendiri menuduh teman-teman penanam modal menggelapkan uang sebesar $20 milyar. industri jawa Pelanggan Kritik Untuk menambah persoalan mungkin, MySpace Apakah tak ada nomor telepon servis pelanggan dengan mudah yang ada bagi publik, dan menghubungi mereka untuk pertolongan via telepon bisnis yang ada yang lain yang mana pun menomori jarang hasil besar results. Akses dan keterpercayaan Karena kebanyakan MySpace halaman didesain oleh individu dengan sedikit pengalaman HTML, sebagian halaman yang sangat besar tidak memuaskan kriteria untuk berlaku HTML atau CSS meletakkan bulu burung oleh W3C. Poorly memformat kode bisa menyebabkan masalah akses untuk yang memakai perangkat halus seperti pembaca layar. MySpace rumah halaman, mulai 25 Januari, 2008, gagal dalam pengesahan HTML dengan sekitar 143 kesalahan (jumlah berganti atas pengesahan bertahap hak halaman rumah sampai isi dinamik), menggunakan W3C 's validator. Selanjutnya, MySpace didirikan agar siapa saja bisa membuat menurut pesanan layout dan warna halaman profil mereka dengan sebenarnya bukan restrictions, menyediakan bahwa iklan tidak ditutupi oleh CSS atau memakai alat lain. Sebagai MySpace pemakai biasanya tidak trampil pengembang jaringan, ini bisa menyebabkan masalah lebih lanjut. Dengan kurang baik terbuat MySpace profil kemungkinan besar bisa membeku jaringan browsers karena malformed CSS yang membubuhi kode, atau akibat pemakai yang menetapkan banyak tinggi bandwidth benda seperti video, graphics, dan Kilisan di profil mereka (kadang-kadang lipat ganda Video dan berkas baik secara otomatis dimainkan sekaligus waktu profil membebani). Sedangkan MySpace menghalangi mungkin berbahaya kode (seperti JavaScript) dari profil, pemakai sekali-sekali sudah menemukan cara untuk memasukkan seperti itu kode. Police Constable World menyebutkan ini sebagai sebab utamanya untuk menamai MySpace sebagai #1 di daftarnya dua puluh lima paling jelek situs web pernah. Lagi, roman baru lambat laun sudah tambahan (melihat featuritis). Ini, dan jumlah meningkat MySpace anggota, menyebabkan pertambahan di bandwidth bekas. Pertambahan ini di penggunaan sering memperlambat server dan mungkin adalah akibatnya diServer Too Busykesalahan pesan bagi beberapa pemakai yang di di jam tersibuk,Maaf! Kesalahan yang tak diharapkan sudah terjadi. Kesalahan ini sudah disampaikan ke MySpaceS teknik group,atau jenis pesan kesalahan lain yang mana pun sepanjang hari. Security In Oktober 2005, cacat di MySpaceS pola tempat dieksploitasi olehSamyuntuk menciptakan terlebih dulu memperbanyak diri menyeberang-tempat mengarang (XSS) cacing. MSNBC sudah melaporkan itutempat yang menciptakan jaringan kerja sosial suka MySpace sedang belok keluar untuk menjadi hotbeds untuk spyware,dengan[i] nfection laju di tanjakan, antara lain makasih sampai kepopuleran mengembang tempat yang menciptakan jaringan kerja sosial suka disamping ini, customization Halaman pemakai sekarang ini membolehkan injeksi tertentu HTML yang bisa tercipta untuk membentuk phishing pemakai profil, dengan begitu menyimpan lingkup sebagai alamat. Lebih baru-baru ini, sudah ada spam atas buletin yang sudah adalah hasil phishing. Pemakai menemukan mereka MySpace homepage dengan buletin mereka didnt mengirimkan, menyadari nanti mereka sudah phished. Buletin terdiri atas iklan yang menyediakan hubungan sampai palsu login layar, memperdayakan orang ke dalam mengetik di mereka MySpace mengirimkan e-mail kepada dan kata teguran. Ketakutan keamanan lain yang memandang isi profil sendiri juga hadir. Misalnya, mematri video bersifat membolehkan sama sekali formatS kemampuan dan fungsi untuk dipakai di atas halaman. Contoh terbaik ini muncul pada Desember 2006, kalau dipatri QuickTime video diperlihatkan untuk berisi hyper-hubungan ke JavaScript berbaris, yang akan diadakan dengan sederhana oleh seorang pemakai yang berkunjungphishedprofil halaman, atau di beberapa kasus pun oleh dengan sederhana melihat seorang pemakaiSmengenai sayadi tempat lain di tempat. Pemakai yang masuk mereka login informasi ke dalam palsu login bar yang muncul juga akan menjadiphished, dan rekening mereka akan terbiasa dengan spam anggota lain, dengan begitu menyebarkan masalah keamanan ini. MySpaceS kontra-phishing dan Ukuran kontra-spam juga sudah diserang. Pada 2007, MySpace membuatkan ganti itu seperti itu hubungan eksternal atas profil akan dialihkan penggunaannya lewat lingkup. Misalnya, akan diganti ke http:www.msplinks.comMDFodHRwOi8vZW4ud2lraXBlZGlhLm9yZw==. (hubungan baru ditentukan oleh Base64 menyandikan, sewaktu ada cara menguraikan kode punggung hubungan ke dalamnya asli URL.) MySpace staffers akan dapat mematikan hubungan yang mungkin berbahaya. (hubungan yang diganti hanya berjalan jika HTTP referrer MySpace halaman; lain, hubungan akan kelihatannya dimatikan. ) langkah ini sudah dikecam bahwa membuat pengeditan profil susah dan bahwa melakukan tidak ada untuk menghalangi spammers. Pada Februari 2008, MySpace mengubah sistem itu seperti itu pemakai yang membunyikan hubungan seperti itu (kecuali whitelisted lingkup suka pada Wikipedia dan YouTube) akan mendapat peringatan yang akan ditinggalkan oleh mereka lingkup. Mulai Maret 2008, iniciri-cirisudah diperpanjang ke blogs juga, walaupun sebelumnya blog peserta tak terkena kecuali kalau pemakai mengabari mereka. Pada April 2007, rumah di Kerajaan Inggris hancur oleh gatecrashers menyerang partai sesudah berbunyi mengundang untuknya di MySpace. Partai menyebabkan yang diperkirakan 20.000 -25.000 harga kerusakan, memaksa keluarga Untuk pindah sesudah grafiti tersemprot di tembok dan peralatan cahaya didedeli. Rachel Bell, organisator partai, menegaskan bahwa rekeningnya ditetak dan dia hanya mengharapkan segelintir orang muncul. Situasi menghasilkan mengharuskan beberapa mobil polisi dan kesatuan yang menjual anjing memulihkan perdamaian. Pada Januari 2008, pengacara negara bagian umum 49 negara bagian AS menulis garis pedoman untuk keamanan online untuk MySpace dan servis lain. Mereka termasuk restrictions untuk kelakuan atas servis menciptakan jaringan kerja yang sosial. Di atas 26 Januari 2008 di atas 567.000 pribadi MySpace gambar pemakai ialah uploaded dari tempat dengan memakai seekor hama menerbitkan di YouTube dan menambah tempat aliran deras Piratebay untuk download. MySpace partai gatecrashers Gatecrashed MySpace ikut berpesta sudah meminta jiwa, dan menyebabkan ribuan dolar kerusakan ke milik. Pertanda Pagi SydneyS online teknologi penulis, Asher Moses, kata MySpaceFacebook itu ikut berpesta teristimewa prone ke gatecrash karena berita peristiwa bisa menjalar kepada tamu yang tak diundang vianewsfeeds. Dia mencurigai beberapa tuan rumah partai terlupa sampai jumlah sebenarnya orang yang mengerti. ada sejumlah Gatecrashed MySpace partai yang sudah mendapat berita halaman muka. A partai Diadakan oleh Corey Delaney, seorang anak laki-laki berumur 16 tahun dari Narre Warren di Melbourne, dan mengiklankan di MySpace, menghasilkan 500 orang menghadiri. Mobil polisi diserang, dan mereka menyuruh masuk bantuan, termasuk regu anjing dan helikopter. Insiden mendapat liputan internasional. Delaney mendapat baik publisitas negatif maupun positif, dan diberi kerja sebagai seorang promotor partai untuk di bawah umur events.. CoreyS Liputan Pers juga terbiasa dengan pertolongan Ten NetworkS Diktator untuk mendapat penilaian yang lebih baik dengan menambahkannya ke dalam rumah sebagai seorang tamu istimewa. In April 2007 seorang gadis berumur 17 tahun Inggris, Rachael Bell, menumpangkan. Pamflet, yang disebarkan di MySpace, menurut laporan subtitledMembiarkanS sampah rumah cukup untuk seluruh keluarga yang rata-rata disco partai. orang-tuanya ditinggalkan dengan approximate 24.000 ($48.000) rancangan undang-undang dari polisi. Allen Joplin, seorang siswa sekolah tinggi berumur 17 tahun Amerika, ditembak sungguh-sungguh oleh seorang tamu yang tak diundang di partai under-umur sesudah sudah diumumkan lewat MySpace. Keamanan anak umur minimum untuk menunjuk rekening di MySpace adalah 14. Profil dengan umur menentukan dari 14 hingga 15 tahun secara otomatis pribadi. Pemakai yang umurnya ditentukan di 16 atau lebih mempunyai pilihan untuk menetapkan profil mereka ke Publik melihat. Accessing profil penuh, atau messaging seseorang kalau laporan mereka ditetapkan kepribadi(or jika di bawah enam belas) dibatasi ke MySpace pemakaiS teman langsung. MySpace akan menghilangkan profil ini jika korban mencek identias dan ujung mereka ke luar profil via mengirimkan e-mail kepada. Baru-baru ini, MySpace sudah adalah fokus sejumlah laporan berita yang menyebutkan bahwa anak belasan tahun sudah menemukan cara sekitar restrictions disimpan MySpace, dan sudah adalah sasaran predator online. Metode yang lebih keras karena menerapkan izin masuk umur akan diterapkan di masa mendatang, seperti menghalangi orang dari accessing MySpace menggunakan komputer IP alamat. Di jawaban, MySpace sudah memberikan kepastian kepada orang-tua bahwa situs web aman bagi orang semua umur. Mulai di menjelang akhir Juni 2006, MySpace pemakai yang umurnya ditentukan di atas 18 tidak dapat lagi dapat menambahkan pemakai yang umurnya ditentukan dari 14 sampai 15 tahun sebagai teman kecuali kalau mereka sudah mengenal pemakaiS lengkap nama atau email alamat. Beberapa perusahaan keamanan Internet pihak ketiga seperti Social Shield sudah meluncurkan himpunan-himpunan online yang bagi orang-tua prihatin pada anak merekaS keamanan di MySpace. Pada Juni 2006, berumur 16 tahun American Katherine Lester terbang ke Timur Tengah, ke Tel Aviv, Israel, sesudah sudah memperdayakan orang-tuanya ke dalam mendapatkan paspor untuknya untuk dengan seorang laki-laki berumur 20 tahun dia bertemu lewat MySpace. Pejabat AS di Yordania membujuk teen untuk berpaling dan pulang. Pada Oktober 2006, berumur 13 tahun Megan Meier bunuh diri sesudah menjadi korban cyber-mengintimidasi dikobarkan oleh ibu seorang teman yang sudah berpose sebagai berumur 16 tahun menamaimengolok-olok Evans. Pada Desember 2006, MySpace mengumumkan ukuran baru untuk melindungi anak dari pelanggar jenis kelamin dikenal. Walaupun detail tepat tidak diberi kata mereka itualatakan dilaksanakan untuk mencegah pelanggar jenis kelamin dikenal dari AS menciptakan MySpace profil. Pada Februari 2007, seorang Hakim Daerah AS di Texas menolak kasus ketika keluarga menuntut MySpace untuk kealpaan, penipuan, dan penggambaran yang keliru; seorang gadis di keluarga secara seksual sudah diserang oleh seorang laki-laki dia bertemu lewat MySpace, sesudah dia sudah salah dalam mengemukakan umurnya sebagai 18 ketika dia menjadi 13. Memandang penolakannya kasus, Hakim U.S. District Sam Sparks menulis:Jika siapa saja mempunyai kewajiban untuk melindungi Julie Doe, adalah orang-tuanya, tidak MySpace. pada Juli 2007, perusahaan menemukan dan menghilangkan 29.000 profil yang kepunyaan pelanggar jenis kelamin yang didaftarkan. Kontra-pedophile organisasi Keadilan Sesat sudah memuji MySpace untuk usahanya untuk memberantas pedophiles memakai servis mereka. Pada Oktober 2007, penelitian menerbitkan di Jurnal Masa Remaja yang diadakan oleh Sameer Hinduja (Florida Atlantic University) dan Justin W. Patchin (University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire) berakhir bahwa kebanyakan remaja menggunakan MySpace secara bertanggung jawab:Kalau dianggap di konteks daksanya, sebagai hasil ini menunjukkan bahwa masalah penyingkapan informasi pribadi di MySpace mungkin tidak setersebar luas begitu banyak mengasumsikan, dan bahwa mayoritas sangat besar remaja itu secara bertanggung jawab sedang menggunakan website,kata mereka. Sosial dan kebudayaan Dave Itzkoff, di Juni 2006 Laki-laki Mata Keranjang majalah, menceritakan pengalamannya percobaan dengan keanggotaan di MySpace. Di antara kritik lainnya, sesuatu menyinggung jarak yang diberi oleh Internet yang memberanikan anggota, seperti wanita yang foto ciri-ciri sendiri di pakaian kurang di atas halaman profil mereka atau bertingkah laku baik di cara mereka tidak akan di orang, dan tunjuknya bahwa sikap bermuka dua ini memungut harga lebih rendah bentuk penting MySpace, yaitu, untuk membawa orang bersama. Itzkoff juga referenced sifat tempat yang memakan waktu yang adiktif, mengatakan bahwa Kawan Bermain Laki-laki Mata Keranjang dan MySpace anggota Julie McCullough, yang adalah yang pertama untuk menjawab kenya menambahkan-teman meminta, dengan jelas merujuk ke Tempat sebagaicybercrack. Itzkoff membantah bahwa MySpace memberi banyak orang akses kepada jiwa anggota, dengan tidak menyumbangkan waktu perlu memelihara hubungan seperti itu dan bahwa hubungan seperti itu tidak mempunyai dalam di-orang hubungan. Selanjutnya, di syarat-syarat MySpaceS potensi untuk eksploitasi komersial yang curang, Itzkoff benar-benar kritis kelakuan meresahkan dan curang orang yang bisa menghubungi seorang anggota, yang tak dimohon, sebagai ketika dia dihubungi seseorang mengungkapkan hasrat untuk bergaul dan tanggal, tetapinya blog (kepada Itzkoff yang mana ditujukan via email berikut) dirasakan menjadi permohonan untuk rentetan tempat pornografi komersial. Itzkoff demikian pula kritis permohonan komersial yang lebih tak kentara di tempat, seperti iklan panji-panji dan hubungan sampai profil dan klip video yang belok keluar untuk menjadi, misalnya, iklan untuk baru 20th Century Fox memfilm. Dia juga mengamati bahwa MySpaces musik yang sangat dirayakan bagian dengan berat diberati di lebih menyukai etiket rekor daripada musisi terobosan. Dalam menceritakan kritik dari orang lain, yang Itzkoff singgahJudas,dia menghiasi itu, sedangkan cita-cita mencoba membawa bersama orang yang lain mungkin tidak bergaul dengan satu sama lain di kehidupan nyata mungkin kelihatannya Honorable, MySpace bersifat melanggar Sehelai kontrak sosial hanya sekarang kalau orang bergaul muka-ke-muka, membuat, di pendapatnya, situs web tak lebih dari mode melewati: Di Sana akan datang saat waktu, seperti menggigil rusa dan menjentik di atas telinga mereka toward bunyi tanpa bunyi di hutan, yang pertama adopters tiba-tiba akan menyadari theyre melewatkan waktu mereka blogging, menambahkan, dan melongo melihat foto menguatirkan sama sebagai tentara 14 tahun olds, dan cepat sebagai rusa, theyll menuju dengan cepat ke yang berikutnya cenderung. Dan sebelum kamu mengetahuinya, dengan baik sama sekali mengikuti. Censorship Activist kelompok sudah mencela MySpace, menegaskan bahwa situs web berlatih sensur dengan tidak memperlihatkan iklan kontra-media, menghilangkan profil palsu karena eksekutif media profil tinggi suka Rupert Murdoch, dan menurut duagaan mencoba memaksa pemakai jauh dari menggunakan ketiga-partai lamaran kilisan atas profil mereka. MySpace kontroversi yang dihasilkan juga untuk menyensor YouTube video. Stalking According To Alison Keep It Simple Stupid, program direktur untuk Keamanan di Kampus, situs web menciptakan jaringan kerja yang sosial seperti MySpace dan Facebook sudah membuatnya lebih mudah untuk stalkers yang wanita sasaran di kampus perguruan. MySpace Cina versi Cina MySpace, diluncurkan di April 2007, mempunyai banyak perbedaan yang berhubungan dengan sensur dari versi internasional servis lain. Forum diskusi atas topik seperti agama dan Politik absen, dan sistem menyaring yang mencegah mengirimkan isi tentang kemerdekaan Taiwan, Dalai Lama, Falun Gong, dan laintopik yang tak pantassudah ditambahkan. Pemakai juga diberi kemampuan untuk melaporkanperbuatan salahpemakai lain untuk melukai perasaan termasukmembahayakan keamanan nasional, meniriskan rahasia negara bagian, meruntuhkan pemerintah, meremehkan persatuan nasional, dan penyebaran desas-desus atau mengganggu perintah sosial. Melihat juga: sensur Internet di OrangS Republic of China Religious diskriminasi pada 30 Januari, 2008, Bryan J. Pesta, seorang asisten Universitas Keadaan Cleveland profesor, dan ketua Kelompok Keateisan dan Agnostik, menuduh MySpace pander sampai ketidaktoleranan agama dengan menghilangkan pemakai keateisan, kelompok dan isi. Secara khas, Pesta menyatakan bahwa MySpace menghilangkan AAGS rekening, dan profil pribadinya sendiri, yang berdasarkan pengaduan dari orang tersinggung oleh ateisme, dan ini detik waktu MySpace menghilangkan kelompok sejak November 2007, sungguhpun, menurut Pesta, belum pernah merusak tempatS Syarat-syarat Industri Jawa. Halaman lagi ditetak pada Hari Syukuran 2007, dan diperbaiki sesudah tiga minggu, terlebih dahulu pada akhirnya lagi dihilangkan. Tempat internasional sejak awal 2006, MySpace sudah menawari pilihan sampai akses servis di versi daerah berbeda. Pilihan versi daerah sekarang Mengotomatkan rasa puas menurut tempat (e.g. Pemakai UK melihat pemakai UK lain sebagaiCool New People,dan UK mengarahkan peristiwa dan iklan, dll. ), menawari bius lokal bahasa lain daripada bahasa Inggris, atau mendamaikan perbedaan daerah di ejaan dan rapat di dunia yang berkata Inggris (e.g. Amerika Serikat:favorites,mmddyyyy; sisa dunia:favourites,ddmmyyyy). Tempat sekarang ini menawarkan ialah: MySpace Global MySpace Australia MySpace Brazil (sekarang ini di beta) MySpace Russia (sekarang ini di beta) MySpace Canada (di bahasa Inggris) (currently di beta) MySpace Canada (di bahasa Prancis) (currently di beta) MySpace China (sekarang ini di beta) MySpace Denmark MySpace France MySpace Finland MySpace Germany (sekarang ini di beta) MySpace Ireland MySpace Latin America (di bahasa Spanyol) (currently di beta) MySpace India (sekarang ini di beta) MySpace Italy (sekarang ini di beta) MySpace Japan (sekarang ini di beta) MySpace Korea (sekarang ini di beta) MySpace Mexico MySpace Netherlands MySpace New Zealand MySpace Poland (sekarang ini di beta) MySpace Spain MySpace Turkey (sekarang ini di beta) MySpace UK MySpace USA (di bahasa Spanyol) MySpace USA (di bahasa Inggris) (this, sebenarnya, identik keglobaltempat) MySpace Developer Platform (MDP) Pada 5 Februari, 2008, MySpace mendirikan panggung pengembang yang membolehkan pengembang mempunyai gagasan mereka yang sama dan menulis mereka sendiri MySpace lamaran. Lubang dilantik dengan bengkel di MySpace, jabatan San Francisco dua minggu sebelum peluncuran resmi. MDP berdasarkan Open Social API yang disajikan oleh Google pada November 2007 sampai bantuan jaringan-jaringan sosial untuk berkembang sosial dan bergaul widgets dan bisa diantarkan sebagai jawaban ke Facebooks pengembang panggung. Beta umum pertama MySpace Apps dilepaskan pada 5 Maret, 2008, dengan sekitar 1.000 helai lamaran yang ada. Musisihak-hak dan MySpace Terms of Use Agreement Until Juni 2006, ada keprihatinan di antara musisi, seniman, dan gerombolan-gerombolan di MySpace seperti penggubah lagu Billy Bragg berutang ke cetakan baik dalam persetujuan pemakai yang berbunyi,Anda dengan ini memberi ke tak eksklusif, membayar sepenuhnya dan tanpa royalti, seluruh dunia mengizinkan (dengan hak untuk sub-mengizinkan lewat kadar sub-pemegang lisensi yang tak terbatas) untuk menggunakan, meniru, mengubah, menyesuaikan diri, menterjemahkan, di depan umum main, di depan umum terpajang, menyimpan, berkembang biak, menularkan, dan menyebarkan Isi seperti itu di dan lewat Servis. cetakan baik membawa keprihatinan khusus sewaktu persetujuan dibuat dengan MurdochS News Corporation. Billy Bragg membawa Persoalan sampai perhatian media selama minggu pertama Juni 2006. Jeff Berman, MySpace juru bicara dengan cepat menjawab dengan pepatah,Karena legalese sudah menyebabkan suatu kebingungan, kami bekerja merevisinya untuk membuatnya sangat jelas bahwa MySpace tidak mencari mengizinkan untuk melakukan apa saja dengan seorang senimanS menjadi lain daripada membolehkannya dipunyai yang sama di cara seniman bermaksud. menjelang 27 Juni, 2006, MySpace sudah memperbaiki persetujuan pemakai dengan, tidak menuntut hak-hak kemilikan yang mana pun di teks, berbaris, tamsilan, foto, video, bunyi, karya musik, karya kepengarangan, atau yang mana pun lain bahan (secara kolektif,Isi) bahwa kamu mengirimkan sampai MySpace Services. Sesudah mengirimkan Rasa Puas kamu sampai MySpace Services, kamu terus mempertahankan semua hak-hak kemilikan di Isi seperti itu, dan kamu terus mempunyai hak untuk memakai Isi kamu dengan cara apapun kamu pilih. menghalangi sekolah dan perpustakaan umum Lipat Ganda di Amerika Serikat, Kerajaan Inggris, Australia dan Malaysia sudah membatasi akses ke MySpace, melihatnya sebagaitempat berlindung untuk gunjingan mahasiswa dan komentar jahat. sekolah Katolik di New Jersey mempunyai mahasiswa dilarang pun dari menggunakan MySpace di rumah, tindakan mencoba melindungi mahasiswa dari Predator online sebagai dituntut oleh sekolah, walaupun pakar mempertanyakan keabsahan larangan seperti itu. Pada Musim Gugur 2005 Pope John XXIII Regional High School di Sparta Township, New Jersey menjadi pokok berita dengan melarang mahasiswanya untuk mempunyai halaman di MySpace atau situs web mirip (seperti Gaia) di bawah ancaman sistem penggantungan roda atau pengusiran. Pada 28 Juli, 2006, Rumah Amerika Serikat Wakil mengesahkan rancangan undang-undang kontroversial yang memerlukan perpustakaan dan sekolah yang mendapat macam tertentu pembiayaan federal (E-laju) untuk mencegah anak-anak yang tak diawasi memakai kamar obrolan dan situs web menciptakan jaringan kerja yang sosial, seperti MySpace. Rancangan undang-undang ini, yang dikenal sebagai Perbuatan Predator Online 2006 yang Menghilangkan (DOPA), disetujui oleh 410-15 memberikan suara kepada Rumah Amerika Serikat Wakil tetapi tidak dibawa sampai suara di Senat Amerika Serikat. Sejak sidang Congressional perkenalannya berakhir, rekening harus diperkenalkan kembali di salah satu dari kedua dewan untuk dipilih di atas lagi. Walaupun sekolah, perusahaan, dan beberapa perpustakaan umum mencoba mencegah penggunaan MySpace, mereka tidak selalu berhasil; mahasiswa sudah dikenal untuk memakai wakil jaringan dan perangkat halus dapat didownload, sertapalsu browsersuntuk mencatatkan ke tempat. Administrasi sekarang menerapkan tindakan disipliner Dan teknik seperti memasang kamera pengawasan di komputer labs dan perpustakaan sekolah, serta memakai penahanan, sistem penggantungan roda, tidak diikutkannya, pengusiran atau melarang mereka dari akses jaringan internet sekolah untuk sisa sekolah tahun bagi yang menolak untuk mengikuti kebijakan sekolah atas akses internet dan penggunaan ponsel. Persoalan hukum pada Mei 2006, Long Island, New York anak belasan tahun Shaun Harrison dan Saverio Mondelli ditugaskan dengan akses komputer ilegal dan pemerasan yang dicoba MySpace, sesudah kedua yang menurut duagaan sudah menetak ke dalam tempat untuk mencuri informasi pribadi MySpace pemakai sebelum mengancam saling berbagi rahasia bagaimana mereka menyela situs web kecuali kalau MySpace membayar mereka $150.000. Kedua umur belasan tahun tertarik oleh detektif polisi menyamar Los Angeles yang berpose sebagai MySpace pegawai. Pada April 2007, polisi di County Durham, Kerajaan Inggris, menangkap seorang gadis berumur 17 tahun atas ongkos kerusakan kejahatan yang melanjutkan iklan partai MySpace, bertahan di orang-tuanyarumah tanpa izin mereka. Di atas 200 orang anak belasan tahun datang ke partai dari seberang negara, menyebabkan 20.000 yang ada kerusakan, seperti puntung rokok, air kencing di atas pakaian, dan tulisan di tembok. GadisS orang-tua, yang di waktu, mesti pindah dari rumah. YouTube YouTube terlebih dulu muncul di atas jaringan pada awal 2005, dan dengan cepat mendapat kepopuleran di MySpace karena MySpace pemakaikemampuan untuk mematri YouTube video di mereka MySpace profil. Menyadari ancaman bersaing ke baru MySpace Videos industri jawa, MySpace terlarang mematri YouTube video dari profil pemakainya. MySpace pemakai secara luas menyanggah larangan, mendesak MySpace untuk melambungkan larangan sebentar lagi sesudah itu. Tetapi sejak itu, menghubungkan dari masing-masing video yang dipatri di MySpace ke halaman rumah video di YouTube sudah dihalangi membuatnya lebih sulit menemukan video sama di YouTubeS situs web. Since Then YouTube sudah menjadi salah satu situs web yang tumbuh paling cepat di World Wide Web, menjadi terlalu besar MySpaceS membentang menurut Alexa Internet. Pada Juli 2006 beberapa organisasi berita melapor bahwa YouTube sudah mendahului MySpace. Di September 2006 penanam modal bertemu, tegas News Corp. COO Peter Chernin bahwa sebenarnya semua lamaran Jaringan modern (menamai YouTube, Flickr, Blogger, Google dan Photobucket) benar-benar hanyadigerakkan tidak jauh dari bagian belakang MySpacedan bahwakami harus dapat membandingkan mereka jika tidak melebihi mereka.


Gold was the element of chemistry in the periodic table that had the Au symbol (the Latin language:\aurum\) and the atomic number 79. A transitional metal (trivalent and univalent) that was soft, mengkilap, yellow, heavy,\malleable\, and\ductile\. Gold did not react with other chemicals but was attacked by chlorine, fluorine and aqua regia. This metal was often gotten in nugget gold or dust in the stone and in deposit alluvial and one of the metal coinage. The code ISO was XAU. Gold merged in the form of liquid in the temperature around 1000 levels celcius. Gold was formed from the process magmatisme or pengkonsentrasian in the surface. Some sediment was formed because of the process metasomatisme contact and the hydrothermal solution, whereas pengkonsentrasian Mechanically produce sediment despise (placer). Genesa gold is categorised to two that is: primary Sediment; dan Sediment plaser. Gold is used as the standard of finance in many countries but also is used as jewellery, and electronics. The use of gold in the monetary field and finance is based on the monetary value absolute from the gold personally against various currency all over the world, despite officially in the stock exchange of the world commodity, the price of gold is included in currency American dollar. The form of the use of gold in the monetary field usual him take the form of bulion or batangan gold in various difficult units gram until kilogram. Gold is also traded in in the form of the gold coin, like Krugerrand that is produced by South African Mint Company in various difficult units. The difficult unit krugerrand that is general is met am 1/10 oz (ounce), 1/4 oz, 1/2 oz and 1 oz. The price of the coin krugerrand is based on the movement of the price of gold in the moving market of the world commodity continue forever the trade. The Krugerrand coin especially (or normally is mentioned proof collector edition) also is produced in a limited way in accordance with the certain theme. Because of being produced limited, often the price of the coin krugerrand the edition proof this exceed the price of the content of this coin gold depend on the scarcity and the condition for this special coin. The edition that is enough to be enjoyed and looked for by the investors is The edition that contains the Nelson Mandela picture. Gotten by several countries that produce in a mass fashion the gold coin to be offered as the alternative to investment, in part: 1. Australia - kangaroo 2. China - panda 3. Malaysia - deer emas 4. Canada - maple leaf 5. England - Britannia 6. The United States - eagle and buffalo 7. South Africa - Krugerrand 8. New Zealand - kiwi 9. Singapore - lion 10. Austria - philharmonic In his history that is long and complicated, at this time gold arrives in a new era with the opportunity and the danger. The price of gold at this time is higher than the price for the last 17 years, bounce to $1000 per ounce. (1 ounce=28,3495 conceited). But, gold that remains to be mined really a little and was blackmailed from the earth at a cost of restoration of the very high and rare environment do not be in the poorest part of the world. Moreover, per March 2008, the price of gold reach US$ 1010 per Troy ounce (Troy ounce = 31,1035 gram) or am equal Rupiah 298.000 per gram. The price of gold rises during 2008 in relation to the American interest that is planned again cut off the level of his interest, but this is pointed out as a projection on the size The gold request in the market for jewellery. The similar matter also it was stressed by National Australian the Bank (NAB) in the sector of the mineral and energy. Today gold companies attack the corner of the earth is guided by the strong guide: the world Bank. The world bank, the main active agency settles poverty of the world, it was believing that companies of the multinational mine will bring investment, push the development of the road, the school and the work, to countries that do not have much capital apart from their nature resources. The world bank works in the two sides. At his urging, more than 100 governments of the country that experiences the problem of finance agree cut off the tax and royalties to attract big mine companies, says James Otto, the professor of the guest in the legal school of University of Denver. In the meantime, the world Bank gives money to or guarantee more than 30 goldmine projects, to look for the profit. Despite the mine only the insignificant part of the portfolio of the world Bank, when the accident increases by the controversy then spread. In one of the worst disasters, during 1995 a mine in Guyana that is guaranteed by the world Bank spill more than 790.000 gallon the waste of the mixed mine cyanide to the Essequibo tributary, that is the source of main water this country. During 2001, the president of the world Bank at that time, James D. Wolfenshon, determine the moratorium on mine investment for two years and order the compilation of a study about the involvement of the world Bank in This industry. The process of the amalgamation was the process of physical chemistry, if his amalgam was heated, then will hang loosely to elements that is the mercury and bullion gold. The amalgam could hang loosely with the heating in one retort, his mercury will yawn and could be regained from this condensation of mercury steam. Now Au-Ag continue to backward inside retort as metal. The use of Zn dust was one of the methods that was effective for the solution that contained the concentration of small gold. Zn dust that was added in the solution will bend gold metal and silver. The principle of this sedimentation based the Clenel row, that was compiled was based on the difference of the place of the activity elektro chemistry from metals in the solution cyanide, that is Mg, Al, Zn, Cu, Au, Ag, Hg, Pb, Fe, Pt. each kind of metal that was on the side left from the association of his cyanide of the complex could bend metal that was replaced by him. So in fact not only Zn that could urge Au and Ag, but Cu and Al could be also used, but because of his price more Expensive then better used Zn.

Jumat, 27 Juni 2008


Money was in traditional economic knowledge defined as each implement exchanged that could be received generally. The implement exchanged that could take the form of the object anything that could be accepted by anyone in the community in the process of the exchange of goods and services. In modern economic knowledge, money was defined as something that was available and was generally accepted as the payment implement for the purchase of goods and services as well as the other valuable wealth as well as for debt payment. [1] Several experts also named the function of money as the implement penu you payment. [2] The existence of money provided the alternative to the transaction that more was easy than more complex barter, not efesien, and more inappropriate was used in the modern economic system because of needing the person who had the wish that was same to carry out the exchange but also the difficulty in the determination thought. Efesiensi that was obtained by using money at the end will push the trade and the distribution of manpower that afterwards will increase the productivity and prosperity. The process of the long development. At first, the community does not yet know the exchange because anyone tries meet kebutuhann him with efforts personally. Humankind goes hunting if he is hungry, make clothes personally from simple materials, look for the fruit for consumption personally; briefly, what is received by him so that is made use of to satisfy his requirement. The picture that menunjukan the barter activity in the American continent in the age to-19 the Picture that menunjukan the barter activity in the American continent in the age to-19 The further development mengahadapkan humankind in fact that what is produced personally evidently am not enough to memenuhui all of his requirement. To receive things that cannot be produced personally, they look for the person who wants to exchange the thing that is owned with the other thing that is needed by him. As a result emerge the barter system\, that is the thing that is exchanged with the thing. However in the long run, many difficulties that are felt with this system. Including being the difficulty of finding the person who has the thing that is wanted but also want to exchange the thing that is owned by him as well as the difficulty of receiving the thing that can be bartered to one another with the balanced value of the exchange or almost equally he thought. To overcome him, begin to emerge thoughts to use certain objects to be used as the implement exchange. Objects that are appointed as the medium of exchange to be objects that are accepted by the public (generally accepted), objects that are chosen are valuable high (am difficult to be received Or have the magical and mystical value), or objects that are the primary requirement everyday; for example salt that by the Roman person is used as the implement exchange and as the implement of pay payment. The influence of this Roman person is still being seen now; English mention the pay as salary that come from the Latin language salarium that mean salt. Things that are regarded as beautiful and valuable, like this shellfish, have been made the implement exchange before humankind finds coins. Things that are regarded as beautiful and valuable, like this shellfish, have been made the implement exchange before humankind finds coins. Despite the implement exchange have been available, the difficulty in the exchange continues to be available. The difficulties in part because of objects that are made the implement exchange do not yet have the fragment so as the determination the value of money, the storage (storage), and the transport (transportation) to am difficult to be carried out as well as to emerge also the difficulty resulting from the shortage of this resistance of objects so as to be easy to be destroyed or do not keep old. Afterwards emerge what is named by coins. Metal is chosen as the implement exchange because of having the high value so as to be enjoyed by the public, durable and am not easy broken, am easy to be broken without reducing the value, and being easy to be moved. Metal that is made the implement exchange because of filling these conditions am gold and silver. Gold coins and silver are also acknowledged as money am full (full bodied money). Meaning that, think Intrinsic (thinks the material) money is the same as his face value (think that is included to this currency). At the time, anyone has the right menempa money, merge, sell or wear him, and have the right to be unlimited in keeping coins. In line with the development of the economy, emerge the difficulty when the development of the exchange that must be served by coins gets temporary the number of precious metals (gold and silver) very limited. The use of coins also is difficult to be carried out for the transaction in large quantities so as to be created money kertas At first the circulating note was ownership proof of gold and silver as the implement/the intermediary to carry out the transaction. In other words, the circulating note at the time was money that is guaranteed by 100% with gold or silver that is kept in the goldsmith or silver and from time to time can be exchanged am full of his guarantee. In the further development, the community no longer uses gold (directly) as the medium of exchange. As his substitute, they make\paper-proof\this as the implement exchange. Generally, money has the function as the intermediary for the exchange of the thing with the thing, also to menghidarkan the trade by means of barter. Secara more specific, the function of money dibedalan become two: the original function and the function of the descendants. The original function of money is three, that is as the implement exchange, as the unit count, and as penyimpan think. Money functions as the implement exchange or the medium of exchange that Can facilitate the exchange. The person who will carry out the exchange need not exchange with the thing, but am enough to use money as the implement exchange. The exchange difficulties by means of barter can be overcome with the exchange of money. Money also functions as the unit count (the unit of the account) because money can be used to menunjukan think various thing sorts/the service that is traded, shows the wealth size, and count big the small size of the loan. Money is also used to determine the price of the thing/the service (the appointment implement of the price). As the unit implement count, money plays a role in launching the exchange. Moreover, money functions as the implement penyimpan think (currency) because it can be used to shift purchasing power from the period now to the future. When a seller at this time accepts an amount of money as payment on goods and services that in sale, then he can keep this money to be used will buy goods and services in the future. Apart from the three matters above, money also has the other function that is acknowledged as the function of the descendants. The function of the descendants including money as the payment implement, as the implement of debt payment, as the hoarder's implement or pemindah the wealth (capital), and the implement to increase the social status. [proofread] Condition-syarat An object can be made as\money\if this object filled certain conditions. Firstly, the object must be accepted generally (acceptability). In order to be able to be acknowledged as the implement exchange the public of an object must [proofread] according to the material pembuatannya Dinar and Dirham, two examples of metal currency. Dinar and Dirham, two examples of metal currency. Money was according to his production material divided into two, that is coins and the note. Coins were money that was made from metal; usually From gold or silver because the two metals had the value that tended high and stable, his form was easy to be known, his characteristics that were not easy to be destroyed, durable, and could be divided into the unit that was smaller without reducing the value. Coins had three the kind thought: 1. The intrinsic value, that is the value of the material to make currency, for example how many values and silver of gold that was used for currency. 2. The face value, that is the value that was included to currency or the price stamp that was calibrated to currency. For example one hundred rupiah (Rp. 100.00), or five hundred rupiah (Rp. 500.00). 3. The exchange rate, the exchange rate was the money capacity to be able to be exchanged with a thing (money purchasing power). For example Rp money. 500.00 could be only exchanged with a peppermint, whereas Rp. 10,000.00 could be exchanged with a meatballs cup). When the first time being used, money for gold and money for silver it was thought was based on his intrinsic value, that is the level of and heavy metal that was contained inside; increasingly big the content of gold or silver inside, increasingly high he thought. But at this time, coins were not considered from heavy his gold, but from his face value. The face value was the included value or was written in the eyes of this money. In the meantime, that was meant with\the note\was money that was made From paper with the picture and the certain stamp and am the legal payment implement. According to the explanation of No. UU 23 in 1999 about the Indonesian Bank, that is meant by the note to be money in the form of the sheet that is made from the paper material or the other material (that resemble paper). [proofread] According To nilainya According to he thought, money is distinguished to money am full (full bodied money) and money for the sign (token money) The value of money it was said as money is full if think that is calibrated on this money equally he thought with the material that is used. In other words, the included face value is the same as the intrinsic value that is contained in this money. If the money is made from gold, then the value of money is the same as the value of gold that is contained by him. Whereas that is meant by money for the sign to be if think that is calibrated on money am higher than the value of the material that is used to make money or in other words the face value bigger than the intrinsic value this money. For example, to make money Rp1.000,00 the government spends the cost Rp750,00. [proofread] the Theory think uang The theory the value of money discusses problems of finance that is linked with the value of money. The value of money becomes attention of the economists, because high or the low level the value of money is very influential towards the economic activity. This is proven with the number of theories of money that is sent by several experts. The theory of money consist of Two theories, that is the theory of static money and the theory of dynamic money. [proofread] the Theory of money statis The theory of Static Money or is mentioned also\the qualitative theory static\aim at answering the question: in fact money? And why the money has his price? Why the money until circulate? This theory is mentioned static because do not discuss the change think that is resulted in by the development of economics. That including the theory of static money am: the Metalisme Theory (Intrinsic) by KMAPP Money am as the thing, he thought is not feigned, but is the same as the value of metal that is made the money, the example: money for gold and money for silver. the Theory of the Convention (the Agreement) by Devanzati and Montanari This theory states that money is formed on the basis of pemufakatan the community to facilitate the exchange. the Nominalisme Theory Money is accepted am based on his value of purchasing power. the Negara Theory The money origin because of the country, if the country appoint what becomes the implement exchange and means of payment then emerge money. So valuable money because of the existence of the assurance from the country takes the form of payment regulations that are ratified. [proofread] the Theory of money dinamis This theory discuss because of the occurrence of the change in the value of money. The dynamic theory in part: the Theory of the Quantity from David Ricardo This theory say that strong or the weakness the value of money really depends on the amount of circulating money. If the number Money changes to twice the fold, then the value of money will decrease to half of originally, but also am the reverse. the Theory of the Quantity from Irving Fisher The theory that was raised by David Ricardo is completed again by Irving Fisher with memasukan the element of the speed of the circulation of money, goods and services as the factor that influences the value of money. the Theory of Kas supplies This theory is seen from the amount of money that is not bought things. the Theory of the Produksi Cost This theory states the value of money in the circulation that comes from metal and the money can be gazed at as the thing. [proofread] Money in ekonomi Money is one of the main topics in pembelajaran economics and financial. Monetarisme is a theory of economics that most discuss about the request and money bargaining. Before the 80 's, the problem of the stability of the money request becomes the main discussion Milton Friedman works, Anna Schwartz, David Laidler, and other. The monetary policy aims at arranging money supplies, inflation, and the flower that afterwards will influence output and manpower. Inflation am the fall think a currency within a certain time and can cause the increase of money supplies excessively. Interest rate, the cost that emerges when borrowing money, is one of the implements important to control inflation and the growth of economics. The central bank is often given by responsibility to supervise and Control money supplies, interest rate, and banking. The monetary crisis can cause the effect that is big towards the economy, especially if this crisis cause the failure monetary and the fall the value of currency excessively that cause the person more choose barter as the method bertransaksi. This has happened in Russia, for example, in the Soviet Union fall period.